And the Sub-operations ofMan's Will. 2 9. Hemaketh it mens great duty to time the body, and mortiffe con cupifcence, and make noprovifonfor the flefh to fatisfte the Batts thereof Rom. 13.13,14. &8. r3. Gal.5.21,zz. 1 .3o. He commandethus to avoid the company of the Wicked, and to joynin the communionof saints, andwalk with fuch as willbe our helper's toward Heaven. p 3 r. He commandeth us to avoid all Temptations of Satan, and the worldandtefb, and tòlivein a continual waragainft them. . 3z. He maketh allthe world about us, the book or glafl in which we may fee our maker and hïs mill; yea even ouroxen natures ; andevery crea- ture Bothpreach him to ùs; and all things mutt be fan&ihed and ufed td this holy end. ?. 33. He fetteth Death continually before our eyes; affuring us of the fhortnefs of ourlives, and (hewingus how we mutt leave thisworld, that we may readVanity upon all, and not be deceivedbyit. 34. By allthis we fee that this Kingdom of chrifl, is a fapiential frame of Moral caufes, defigned for the Governmentof manj in right or- dering his internal and externalalts, and glorifying ettiinentiy the wifdom of our Ruler. 35. Andhe that will think rightlyof thisexcellent frame muff have all thefe things in his confideration : r. That Chrift himfelf is not only apiftifer and Ac7or of us, bat a Prophet, Prie(l and King, and that the Government is laid upon his fhoulders, Ifa. 9.6. 2. That we are not only Patients andpardoned finders, but álfo sub; jets,andengaged Covenanters. 3. That Chrifts church is not like a Statuaries ,(Fop, but á Kingdom; and a School, whereall mull learnand obey. 4. That Chrift bath not onlyMotivepower,btitLaws, Promifes, Threat= ?nags,. &c. to workby. 5. That his great bleffingsofGlory arehis rewards, and Hell at laft af- ter thole here, are his punifhments, foretoldtoworkon fouls. 6. Thathe hath a day, in which as Reiter, he will judge the world in righteoufneJi', according towhat we have done in the body: 7. That faith is wrought by Preaching,and Love and Hope and odedi- ence are the ends and io fes offaith. 8. That the feliiïtyof individuals, and in themof the Heavenly socie ty inoneGlorified bodywith Chrifi, is the end of all, where Gods Remane- rating 7ufticeis to be glorified, and his governing wi(dom and Love for ever. From all this Í Oneida, That they that flightill this work of God; bythecontemptuous nameof Moralsuaton, and take it to be a diminutive. term as to the honour of it, to call it Moral, and by Means, and talk of Gods work of Grace onthe foul, as if therewere no more in it very honou- rable, thana phyfeal motion, andGod Converted fouls but as Boyes whip their Tops, or Womenturn their Wheels,Or theSpringmoveth the Watch; are Cartel ian blind Theologues, andoverlook the very natureof that Theo- logiewhich they profefs, which is theDotrineof theKingdomof God over man ; And while they fee little but Matter andmotion, they are fitter me-; t'hanically to treat of or dealwithStones, orBricks, or Timber, than men beingunfit totreat of hurrfane Government, much moreof Divine: SECT°a 1