Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

And the Sub-operations fMan's Will. 6. 1. In that he hath made fo large provifionof means, and that in an admirable frame, which is asit were, a Moralworld. Whichhe would never do in vain ; nor if he ,ordinarily works without them that work whichhebath appointed them to do. It is the reafon of the Brittifh Di= vines in their fuffrages-atDort. Had not God, decreed to work Grace by tneans;`he could havedone it with apt'. *. 7. 2. The Glory of thisKingdomor Sapiential Rule, which is focon- Runty and largely.given himin the Scripture, Pfal:163. io. and 145. and 119. throughout ; and Matth. z 5. As theShip-mafter Or Pilot is praifed who by a Helm can turnabout the Ship as hewill, lam. 3.4. 8. 3. God worketh on all things according to their nature : And this is fuitable to thenatare of m'an : And the Caufation is anfwerable to theeffe&t : And ORDER is amoral effeci; which needeth not a Creee tion but amoral ordering Caufation: . , ?),.'9. 4. Experience telleth us that thofe proffer heft in grace that Mott faithfully and diligentlyufe the means : And we never. knew of any man in the world, that came to Actual knowledge, faith, Or Love, without. means ; but allby thecaufality of them. . We find that the greateft neglecters and defpifers of means; are every where molt gracelefs,and the worft of men. .11. 6. We have (Minifters and people) frequent and ftria tom= mands, to are means molt diligently, conftantly and carefully. z. ;. We have abundanceof promifes of .Gods blefïing upon the úfe of means : Aft, 26. 07. I fend thee to open their eyes and túrn them. Rom. r o. How /hall they hear without aPreacher, &c. Ifa. 55, z, 3. Hear andyour fouls /hall live. Match. a8.2ó. I 4m with you alwayes, &c. Luke to. 16. He that heareth you, heareth me. Pfal, 19. 7, &c, The Law of the Lord is pure Convertingthe foul. 1 Pet: I. It. is the incorruptible Seed that regeneratethus. Heb.,4. The word is powerful and a fearcher of the heart, &c. O. i 3. 8. When God will fave a people he fends them the Gofpel,and when he will forfake them he taketh it away, l3 14. 9. The Devil fheweth his malice to fouls and grace, by oppo= fing the means, depriving men of them, or keeping them from them, or from the faithful ufing of them. 5. But irisnone of my meaning that the bare means of it felf dotti change the feel, or that it is the principal caufe : But only that God operateth Moral effec #s by Moralmeans , as heloth Natural by Natural Means, being frill the prime caúfe of all himfelf. x6. If we thus conjoyn all Caufes and feparate not what God bath conjoyned, it will help us the betterCO efcapeerrour in this Matter. But if men willdream that all the honour or aótionthat is afcribed tofecund iaufes; is a derogation from God and adifhonouringof him, they forfakethe truth and injure him. ,t)0 17. For if this were true;. that to honour the means or acknowledge fecond Caufes, and their aptitude and efficacy; is to difhonour. God, then God fhould be the greateft difhonourer of himfelf, by making and úfing fuch caufes andmeans ; And fo many Creatures as there be in the world, fo many di(hónoilrs are caft on God and. the excellenteft Creatures. would difhonour him molt : which fottifhconceit muff needs be joyned with Ma- nicheifm, that an illcod was theMaker of.the world. God is Glorious in all his works, and ibineth tous in them all. Dddd SECT, Prov. 4i 20, 21. & 3. &5 8;;8y:. & 13.4. Licet insto ?aura reeenndd proprie ditta, caufit efe- itum ex natura rii, tarnen quad ipfa fit caufa non oft exnatura rei quia feinen ex voluntate Dei. Allcar. in g. ß. 1. P. Amos 8. it. Prov.29,4 Though Godbegroxirìtrri ( not asin loco) mall hi§ operations, yet fetinghe Operateth by fecond kaufes, he, cloth it ac- cording to them, as all experience tells us Therefore tomcod theta Çontroverfies, weihoald confider more how thof4 caufesoperate.,