Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

z 8 Of Cod's Gracious Operations on Man's Soul *Gerhard. rm. 2. de lib. orb. cap. 6. §. 1. fuppof- eth that no caufe ofthe efficacy of Grace is found in the will of man, as being dead and vicious but yet that Grace cloth not phyfi- cally determine the twill , but fo work as aketh it a power to refiffS and that refifl- ance is it that maketh the difference'between man and man by making Grace uneffeftual. AndGeorg. Calixtas was ofthe famemind, as you may fee in his words de Minift. Verbi. p.241. & in ludic. de controvert. MM. 33. See LeBlank: Tbef. de de7linti. Gtatioe. SECT. V. Of the Caufes of the different Effects of Grace and Means, . r. ALI that isGoodin the Difference between man and man, is M/IL willed by God, and coaled by him But nothing that is orallyEvil. ?.2..° As. inNature, God feemeth to CaufeMotion ingenere by an equal titìiverfal Influxof the sun, which maketh no difference per fe, but per aecidens But the wonderful .variety of motions and r#îts is othero'içe caufed : So it fetmeth that Chrift the Sun ofRighteouinefsÿ affordeth by his Meansof Nature ( which hePolitically manageth ) an indifferent in- fluxor help for 4ccionas Action to the fouls ofmen which as Dr. Twif fe 'frequently faith well, is to be called Nature rather than Grace ( except as the repriving of Nattere is Grace) fo far as it is meer Power to Aft; becaufe it is equally indifferent CO a good ad as a bad, and to do or not do. 'l 3. ThePower ofAction as fuch, being given by an equal Natural UniverfalInflux, it is the ORDER of Aétions, where we mutt enquire of the difference and its Caufe., q.. Anion it felf is not a proper, fubftantial being, hi a Modus Rei. But yet it is fucha Mode as ( by the cartefians leave) requireth more Caufation to it, than a meet non agere Both. But ORDO Atlionum" is but amodus modi. 0.5. ORDO is the beauty of the world, and foal; the genus of all Relation in fundamento, andof all morality, and worthy to have had a notable place in the predicaments : And yet we know not what to call it, whether any thing or nothing. The ORÁO Rerum is not Res And it is Rerum flatus; which we better know in fe, than we know with what LeigicalNotion to cloth it. Vii. 6. This excellent Nothing is the futnm of Morality in its form ; and the bufinefs of frail man_on earth, and much of the glory of the Church triumphant in Heaven. It is Gods work and not ours to make new frtbftantes ; It is ours to keep ORDER in our felves, asGods work, yea, in the4tlions, which God byNature enablethus to. So vain a thing is man that can do no more than this, nor this but by thePower given hint of God. 7- Vainly therefore do the Dominicans pretend that it is a Deifying of the Will of man to fay that God can enable it to Caufe the various ORDER of mans Altions, bymeer moral helps, without Gods predeter- mining premotion to that order. For this is to caufe no Real being. And he that is moved to the All in genere needeth no more premotion from Cod, tò thediforder and finfulnefs of the Act. 0.8. And they that will call the produltion of faith, a Creation in the ftritt and proper Cede, do not underftand, that Creatio e/{Rerum, non OR- DlNIS rerumfam creatarum, vel exiflentium. An Alt is of it felfimpro- perly fail to be created, in aspre-exiflent Agent : That is not called cre- ated which Is educed é potentia materin ; nor that which is produced by the Potentia Activa pro- exiftentisforma: Faith is an All ofthe fame NaturalPower or faculty which we had before : AndGrace (or rather .Nature uftially) fufcitateth that faculty to the 4lí as an 4U ingenere: And