and the Sub-operations of [Man'sWill. And Grace doth taufe us to ORDER that ataright, as to the due ob- jecd, and other circumftances. But if any will call it a creation, I con- tend not about the name. 9. But the whole (lateof thl.Il'tan,Ha4,ituali Relative and Prat ical fet.together, is called in Scripture, a New Creature, and the New.Msí ; tropically, but not unfitly : Partly betaçife we are really new, though not by another Humanity or Species of Natural zf fence, yet by many Ac- cidents : And partly, becaufe thofe Accidents are fo great and make fo- great a change of our (late, as that they emulate a natural Fffence; and we ufe to fay in common things , that when an unleainod man is macic learned, and a poor man á Prince, and a dying man heaithful, he is another man. t). ro. Though Godbe one and the fame, andGhrit the fame, and the Law and word and many Antecedent means the fame ro many on whom they have different effects , This difference may be cauiçd many wayes. As t.. By the diverfity of other injeriour or concomitant fecond cam f s : 2.. By the diverfe Difpoftion of theReceivers (a common caufe of varie- ties in the World:) 3. By thediverfity of impedimentsand temptations: And many other wayes. a. r t. * Thegreat queflion is, How far the diverfity of Receptive Dif- pofttions is from God? Anfw. t. God made all equal a4 firft in Adam,. 2. All were equal in fin by his fall. 3. Cain and Abel differed from fe- Veral caufes, and not one alone. Abel differed from can in faith and obedience, by Godsgrace as the chief caufe, and his own will and agency as the fecond caufe. Cain differed from Abel by unbelief and fin, by his own will and Satans temptations. 4. The fins oflater parents ( as of Cain) Cham, Efate, Achan, Gehezi, ¿ye. ) make a further difference, by depriving their poflerity. of Come means, helps or grace, which elfe they had been equally capable of with others. 9. It is certain that man bath much to do about his own heart, by which he is to be the fecond caufe of his own Receptive difpofition; and if he fail, is the only eaeife Of his indifpofttion. na. Difference is butDifrrilitude: And an alteration of one of the fubjeets which Coever, will make it d(mile or to differ from the other; When the good Angels ftood and the evil fell, if you ask, who made the difference, It was theDevils by forfaking their fill ejlate : Though confli- tutively, bpth their fin, and the Angels obedience made thediffimilitude. Ifyou fuppofe Cain andAbel equallyunder grace at firit,and ask,Who made the difference, Í anfwer,conflitutively /(rains fin and Abels righteorffnefs maketh, or is, the difference : But as to Reputative efciency, Cain made the difference by rejecting grace. So if you fhould fuppofe two equally qualified with common grace, and one of them to lofe it, the eff- cience of the difference is Imputable to him. But if you fuppofe two equally loft in fin, and one converted and not the other, the Conftitutive Caufes of the difference are ones fin and the others repentance. But the Imputable efficiency is Gods grace and mans repentance or will, that is recovered. 13. But when Paul 49th ask, [who made thee to difer ? ] he mean- eth [who gave thee that good by which than differeft ? ] and expound- eth it by [what haft thou which thou haft not received ? ] Andno doubt but all good is received fromGod : And this would have held true, if God had by equal operation done as much on the other which had been ttneffecltual by his indifpofition or rejection. Dddd z .rq The t;aefes of ditfe± ronce. *i know that Eradwar- dine li. Cor. p. 6i 2. faith- that Deum non dare fcientiam, era- tiam ant perfeverantiám feu quedlibep manas fous mature capaci, eft caufá quartipfa non accipit, ea; nonhabet: . er non è con- tra. Et (p.ó14.) quid obex dicatur poteR illa refpenfio corripi, cum maw post banc obicem tollero nii perm , vet per Deum prias pratoilentem; (n fe ipfe earn volaerit tel- lere, irrefiftibiliter toll/- Cur; Auferane cor laaideunïi &c.