Of god's gracioim Operations on Man's Soul: 14. Nature and Scripture perfwade us, that the fame mea help or influx is not enough to make one repent or believe , which is enough to make another. For the difference of fouls , and temptations, ànd impediments plainly prove it. The fameftrength will not move a Mountain, which will move a Feather r nor the fame reaching make an ignorant Sot to underfland which ferveth a prepared perfon. 15. Bodily aptitude, or ineptitude do much to vary receptivities which are ufually Gods punifhments orrewards for Parents allions : And oft-times for mens own. Some by fornication, gluttony, drunkennefs, fports and idlenefs, make themfelves'even next to Brutes. ?). 16. But we have great Reafon from Scripture to believe that though Gods Laws be equal, and his Judgements where men do not make an in equality ; yet as afree Lord andBenefallor, he dealethnot equally with all that are of equal merit : Though he dono man wrong, nor deny anywhat he promifed in hisWord, , but keepperfolt Juftice asa Governour ; yet he maydo withhis ownashe lift, andhe will be fpecially goodto fome, though others fee it with an evil eye: 1.7.; Whether all that are elect have at firft agreater meafitre of the Divine help and irnprefs than any that are not converted, no mancan fay (of which more anon.) Brit certainly all the deli were fore-decreed by Gods will to that certain converfion , which others were not fodecreed to SECT. VI Of the Limitations ofGods Operations on the Soul. r. Hat which flicks in the mindsof many is, that God being Omnipotent, all his operations mull be equallyunrefzftibte and efficacious , becaufe none can conquer God : But theymuff confider, that though he be Almighty, yet he doch not all that he can do : nordo his works equally manifefl his Omnipotency. And there are thefe caufes; for Limiting his operations in the effects. Graina öpératio Provo- z. i.*The chief caufe is hiswifdom and Free-will. It is his will todo dentin reperitier,partimna- tnralie, Dorton voleunra -what he cloth, and to do no more : which bath no caufe. ria. Narrrratic per octal- 6; 3, 2. Another carafe is, that God operateth by'efus shrift, whole taro Pei adminiftrationem . queetiam lignin & herb, Humanity is {rnite, being a Creature; andGod worketh according to the dat incrementum. votan-- Inftrument or medium . As he fhineth by the Sun, Moon or Stars, ac- taria vero per angelonem cording eo their feveral natures, and not according to hismeer omnipoten- opera & homtnnm5 Vid. a ca era. Augutt. de Ge- ey, fo doch hecommunicate Grace by Jefus Chrift. neb ad lit. 1. s. cap. 9. & '. 4. } AndChrift by Office being King and Prophet, will operate upon pima ii. 9. cap. 5. t Mark 6. 5. He (aria.) certain termswhich inhis Sapiential Government he Pets down. And God could there do no mighty- will not violate chofeterms. nor , beard of their nn- 3. Alf() underChrift there are many fubordinate caufes; There beliet : and t. 24. He y. could not be hid o and are his word, preachers, and all the forementioned means and helps: and ' 4s Jebes no_ Chrifl will workaccording to thefe means. Though he eye not himfelf yore openly enter into the city : with many their from doing more or otherwife. I have proved that this is his opal way. places, all (peak of an And the efer1will be limited according to thefe fecond caufes. Ordinate altpoteu 6. As the Sun fhineth on us firft in and through theair, which abateth p fomewhat of its force; and then through the exhalations, and then through the