4 Of god's gracious Operations on Man's Soasl: thy Privation; and obduratenefs; as that the fame.meafure of Gracious Means and imprefs will not convert thee as would do one that hath not fo abuled common grace: 2. And if alfa thou wilt at the prefent do what thou canif in fir= ring up thy Own Will to concurr , and thy Intelledi to confider , and Wilt but Çonfent that my Grace fhall help thee, and that thou wilt wait for it in the ùÍe of means : 3. And if thou wilt not hate and refill rey motions , as enemies io thy lofts, and turn wilfully after vanity, in fach a degree as thou art even Morally able to forbear; Thou (halt find that I am gracious and merciful, abundant in goodnef, and truth, and forsaking none be fore they forfake me, and have not appointed thee there means in vain. To whom thus prepared did I ever deny the grace of faith Name him if thou canft.3 So that [ volo ; fl velit, hoc 3 - is oneahing , and [Volo fz velis aliud, & f ad hoc volendum quantum potes teipjtim fufcites, & Grati.. am non op ugnes, neccontraria profequaris, quandopravas Volitiones fra.. nary Fogs] is another thing. (). 18. That God giveth his gracious operations fometimes in a Re= fiftible limited degree, befides what is faid, is molt evidently proved, i. In that all Divines confeCs, that in making the World, he hack not One quantum potejl, but quantumvoluit. 2. In that there are innumerable Philia qua non fun: aut exiflen tia aut futura. Cod could have made theWorld fooner, or made more Orbs, Earths, Trees, Men, Brutes, in fpecie , numero , and done more alts, and made morc alterations than he doch; 3. There is certainly fame Divine operation with and byhis inffituted means, which is limited to their infirumental aptitude. 19. And it is no difhonour to Gods orattipotency to work thus itt mitedly and refiflihly: For, 1. Elfe he Ihould be theAuthor of his owndilhonour s who freely di- verufieth Infiruments, Receptivities and effe/ls throughout theWorld in i+vonderful variety. 2. If the total Non-Volitions, Non-operations, or forbearing to dd what he could ( as in all the innumerable Pollibles aforefaid ) be na diflaonour to him; then to will only in tantum, and to operate itc /sac onus limitedly and refrftibly, is no difhonour: being more than not ió will and work at all. SECT.'