And the Sub-operations ofMan's Wollo SECT. VIII. what that Operation of God on the foul is, which is the fubjec`I of oil), many quefions : (as whether it be equal on all? whether it be re- ftf ible ? whether it be moralorphyfical:? whether it be fu,yicient, when it is not effeltual? &c.) And what the various opinions about it are, andhowuncertain they are. OU may think this fhould have come firft s but for fome rearms I have refervedit to thisplace. t). I. I thinkthe Ignorance of this in a great meafure is common to all mankind : But the Ignorance of mens Ignorance,:and prefumptuous con- tending about what we underftand not, pretending ( even to triumphant (corn of diffenters ) that we do underfand it, is the very life of molt of our contentions about therepoints. z. Myown judgement isy,that our ownIntelleftion and Volition in the body, areACts that take in fo much, of the fenfe, imagination, and cor- poreal fpirits, into that of themwhich we perceive and denominàte, as thatwe cannot tell how far the Alts even of our own feparatedfouls will differ from thefe whichwe here perceive, and from perception call Intel- lec ?ion and Volition. And much lets; do I know the différence between Gods Vital-altivitÿ,batelleelion andVólitiòn, and ours. Some likenffthere is, or elfeours were not hisImage c Butai! Schoolthen and Divines agree, that the names are not Univocal, and that it is not the fame Thing in God is inman, which thefenames liignifie; And that nó man can have a for- mal conceptionof them. I am fatisfied that a glow-worm or the fire in a flint, yeaor in a flick or clod, is incomparably liker the San, thanMaui poor Life, and Intellection and Volition is liketo Gods. Andif fo, howútì= fit are we unneceffarilyto difpute of thefe.aets of God with curiofity e or at all fo as implyeth a nearer likenef? TheLord knoweth that I wouldwith reverence withdraw from thisconCuming fire, and no further meddle with it, than the Glorifyingof God, and the pacifying of the contentious, and the healingOf divifions, and callingoff the prefumptuous, doth require. (i.â. *By [Divine Alien or operation] mull be trneant, i. Either fomething in God, or fomething caufedor Created by him, z. If caufed or 'created, it mull beeither fomething in the fecond Caufesi or fomething in the Recipient foul; I think the .diftribution is fufficient. 4. I. InG OD, there is nothing but GOD.: His Life, ICnoueledge and will are no accidents, but his effence: And therefore. invariable, and no fubje& for any of there queftions. To ask whether Gods Efential Knowledge, will andAul vie(, be equal or unequal, phylcal or moral, &c. is todote. *. 5. But yet this Knowledge and will of God is tranfient or terminated Objeïtively, when it. is not fo lfeFlively. And fo God is faid to know things differently,as they differ; and to willthings dilerentlÿ, as they are different objelts : But this fpeaketh truly nothing New or varions in God, but only aRelative and fo denominative,connotation of his Pimple elfence, from there objeçis, whole diverfity giveth divots names to Immutable, moft fipple Unity. Of this all sehoolmenj for fubftance) are agreed, however theTbiomi/is, scotifls and oècamifls differ about the notions of Ratio rati ocinata, formalitac, Ú" denominatio extrinfeca. ?). 6. II. If it be theoperationof the fecond Caufes; ex parteoperanti- u n, and fo of cod 1y them, that we difpute, of, the difputes would have Eeee the *The great difficulty is; what it is which we mutt conceive to go between Gods elïence and mans all or inclination given. Dr. Tnvißaccufeththe Je- loirs for denying Intel, leftion and Volition to be intantatieous Ads; fine motu And yet his friend Alvaree5 holdeth the Divine Alt antec-- dent to be properly mo- tio, andwould have his predetermination foie fcribed qua praviá moti- oneacîuáli confit fecundit pr(efertim lober, inherence, lilao 01ß1001 ad operan- dam, &c. But it is either' God or as effel of God which he talleth mori,: If aneffet, it is fo called as it is in the receiver. And what motto antece- dent tomans AO,can be imagined in man, When motion is Aft, though ever an yAft be notmotion? Therefore they volumi- noufly difpute de non eon, or of theyknownet what. If we mull have a dit roll conception oI' it, Ithink, T¿s impref(a, fitter.