Of gods 99rncioiïa'Oper tions on Man'.r'S6ts1 : theeater deciíon. But this is denyed by the Dominicans, and another Infufang Immediate operation is madethe fubjeélof there Controverfies. 7. 1 I I. Itremaineth therefore that it is only the efeci as in thefoul- receiving, which we difpute óf. And if fo, thismutt-be remembred, that we dream not of any Controverfie-about Gods Aetion, as exparteagentis, inHim, or between himand the foul. 0.8. In mans foul, we know of nothing, but i. The fúbflance in the ftrft notion as anfwerable to Matter in bodies. z. The form, which is a Threefold Virtueor faculty inOne; viz. The vital Power, intellect and Will: which is at once rims, pis inelinatio nateiralu adproprias a61i- ones. All thefe are but Inadequate conceptionsof the famefinïpleeffence, and not compounding parts. None of this is the thing in queffion, for the foul is prefuppofed to be a foul, 3. The .Accidental and mutable Difpofition of the faculties. to the Ads. 4. The Imprejons of feeperiour Caufes ( God and means) in moving to the Acts. $. The ifas of the foul themfelves. 6: The Habits. I knowof nomore. 9. I. Though All Habits are difpnfitions, yet all Dìfpofitions are not Habits : And before Habits, the foul may bemany wayes pre- difpofed to the Aft : As 1. By former acts of another fort, which yet conduce to this. 2. By other habits that are preparatory. 3. By delive- rance from many Internal and ,External impediments. q.. And Iaftly,By the Divine Imfee/Ì it felf in the inftant of Nature, - though not of time, be- fore the Aft. For God Co difpofeth the foulto aft. Q. to. This predifpofition; -is fometime but a Moral Power', that is, iii fo low a degree, as containeeh only the Neceffary power to the aft, with which alone iris fometime done. And fometimebetides thisMoral Power, it containeth fame further degree of accidental inclination, or propenfty to the Act. And their degrees arevarious, in various inftances and tub- jeds. x. t e. II. When God moveth the foul to believe or repent, we mull conceive that in the inftant antecedent to theAft, the foul receiveth fómd Imprefor ImpulIe from thedivine effence by which it is difpofed or mo- ved to ad*. And though fpirits (elpecially God) move not by fuck conta& and imprefs as things corporeal, yet in an unconceivable manner, force fpirit, force fpiritual Imprefs, Influx, or motion mull be Received, by which faith is caufed. And this Imprefs and the Difpofition to the Aft, caufedby it, perhaps are really the fame. 12. III. TheAá it felf by this, andby the foul difpofed and ex- cited, is next caufed: not given as pre-exiftent, but given by caufal effica- cious fufcitationof the pre-exiftent facultyor power. ßt.13. IV. The Habit, which is a Promptitude to facile afting, is caufed by all the forementioned caufes conjunét, and not by any one alone, viz, by God, and his Imprefs on a foul force way pre -difpofed, andby the foul it felf further difpofed and excited by that Imprefs. But of Habits more anon. t And here becaufe almoft all our feeming difference dependeth on the queftion, what it is that is between Gods effence and mans at' , which is the caufe of our Ad, or may be called grace (fufficientor effectual, more or lets, ¿-r.) I (hall tell you how Alvarez handleth the queftion, and thereby further fhewyou, that it is a.thing unfearchable, and pall mans knowledge, and thoughI fatisfie my felt with callingit an Impulfe or Im- prefs, or a Received energie or force or Influx, yet thefe are but general notions, and tell us not as to a diftinft formal conception, what it n; And you ihall fee that theboldeft dilputersknow no more. Alvarez *4Juxiliern prasium non appellptur a nobis Forras Yolutitatis impreffa : uo- niam hoc nomen fgni are videtur gnalitatem, confki tuentem potentiam in au primo: fed proprio voca- bulo dicitur motto Afin- a/as, qua Dew; mere efci- enter tacit utlibeonm arbi- triur aperetur aClum libe- tuZn determination cornme- ra er expedita facultate q pouft'illnm non operad velit.Alvaret de Fiúxil. dirt. 23. p. tci. Motio is the ptóper notion, he thinks, bettyeen God and the Aft or titbit ofman as aforo /Aid ; but mi aptly, i think, fo con ccivcd by him.