und the Sub-operations ofMan's Tyill. Alvarezde Aux .1. 3. difp. i g. p.77. tellsyou that there are there fe: veral opinions of it, ( Whac is the previnats motion by which God moveth cc and applyeth fecond caufes to operate:' ) cc I. Some Thamifls hold that It u a allality, not permanent, but by ce wayoftranfent difpofationwith operation: Cabrera 3:p. q.18. ar. 4. eib: cc r. Conc. 4. n. 5 8. For it muff beCome Yirtua, and that mull be a(ba- te lity : Imperfed fupernatural ads, as attrition, fear of hell, &c. are be= cc fore habits, andhave only fuch tranfient virtues or qualities, &c. cc I I. Others hold contrarily that Gods motion is nothing befides his cc own will or effence and mans a&, being fmultaneous; Their reafons I CEOmiC. , So )3radinardine and many others: And this U III. Others hold that Gods previous motion is fomewhat recëiVed would cut Mort molt or A cc in fecond caufes in order of nature beforethey operate : and when they our if r would ont(rlover- cc are asked, What it is, they fay, It is really thevery operationof the fe- Dr. Twiffe fait.. vied. cccond caufe (e.g. man) it Pelf, as it proceedeth from God And fo Grat.li.2. p. z. trim. 3. cc that Gods premotion and predetermination of our Will is notreally di- Úabi . eQ:n.uúminotionem cc ítinft from theaétual determination by which the will determineth it a Oto recipi in volunta- cc felf, but is the fame ; The fame at being of God and man. (So that trop edm Pia u æv t% they make this motion to be fomewhat received before we at ; and yet ;liquid, neceffe eft ut no- nothing but our at ; which is abfurd. ) lit. Ratio hnc eft; cuino "IV . Other Tbomi shold that It is fomewhat really diftinft from our óíán midi io Sola y Arminiareus aliquis : Sala "operations : and that is, 2uoddam eomplementum virtutis ac``tave, quo. Dei volnntate faflueu eft «ac ualiter apt. ( And he that knoweth what predicament this temple- enim i ß xruarDei p é2 mentum belongeth to, andwhat it is, let him take this opinion for more fingi prxeedanenu qui oc than a meer complement. ) &carerur circa nihilism; cc And here they tell you that they fpeaknotof Gods fimultaneouscon- soAmefius, Antifynod. de cc curfe ; for that Alvarez confeffeth is nothing, befides Gods effence and Grat.e.2lpag.255. Satre cc mansaft : But of hispreviousmotion, which he faith, is fòmetvhat more. effet apud nines pies dicers > r Dei!?ellefine.ollarragrelf- (As if they differed in the nature of motion. ) Andhe faith, a° that this is one iutercedente certe po e cc true both of tbpernatural ads which are from Infufed habits, as faith to ter ut ovont.mcon cc hope, Love : andof Impeded fupernaturalsas fearof hell andattrition, now rtu ddllenot wnhthe cc by which man is remotely prepared for Juflification ; which proceed argument i is and ife ccnot from fupernatural habits, but from the fpirits fpecial impulfe, not fwered;ButIintrearthe «cyet inhabiting, but moving. And Alvarezthus concludeth Reader to note into what cc I. That which God dothin fecond caufes, by which there aft, is,Ali raid all our eontroverfies are. q by there excellent men cchabeiaseffe quoddam incompletum, per madam quo colores font in sere, o reduced, who yet molt ec virtus artis in inftrumento artiftcis It is Aliquid incompletum aggravate them. What now is theGratis ecax cc tranfleies "cum ipfa operations. ( Are youever thewirer for all this t' ad credendum ? Nothing ec II. Hoc ens incompletumpravium aclioni camp fecundaproducitur in befidesGods eye but ipfa cc iliaeffective á foie Deo,e7 Rolla mode depender e/fztienter ex infases ip- ctfett (elf?allo. eIs Gods "Pa catif4 feciand e. And therefore herein thewill is paffive, though not effential will effettive of U in its own Aft, (as he fairly affirmeth Lather to affert ; for what can iWha whoever is there for cc aft andnot be aiiive ? ) Controverfies of fuffici- « III. When fecond cables, natural or fupernatural, have by their in- cncy and efficacy, when cc herent form, fufficient Acüve virtue, per madam saws rimi ro ortio- it ds but Gods effence , p t p, p dud the known effeR of ccned with theeffect, then Gods premotion is not a Qiality but proprio which they fpeak, and «vocabula dicitmr, atatio Virtuofa by which the univerfal cattle maketh hold not (as Atuarer > > dots) any motion orhm- cc the recond actually operate, according to its proper mode: Therefore it prefs made by God up= (cis not afabit or di o/itionor natural power. on mind or will at all? fp.1 p Gods will then is effe- dual, quia nuit effecrun: and it,is virtually fufficientfurwhatever hewilleth not,but couldwill: But then no mancanpoffiblyy doany more good or lets evilrhanhe doth, bccaufe ni more or lets is willed ofGod, which volition is the firft necelfary Cade of all things. And is t all their Volume's de Auxiliie Gracie, and the feveralforts, previous, fimultàneous,operating, cooperating, &c. meetly vain,, when there is no fuch thingas any Grace befidesGods meet will, and the Aft of man : Andyet Dr.Ynifjg, slfewhere faiththat Gods Decrees donitiil mere in objefte. Eeee 2 "IV. Yea