Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

und the Sub-operations ofMan's Will. z9 " C of it with theinfallibility of Divineprefcience. and providence mayeaà " lily and clearly be made out by scientia Media : ] which is the 7efuiter way. . But the third opinion whichhe defendeth is, that [ cc Free-will may be rc evidently known and proved by natural reafon alone : But how the ct acìual ufe of it confifteth with the infallibility of the prefcience; pró= 'C vidence and predeftination of God, and with the efficacy of the helps 'Cof grace; cannot be perfe lly known or comprehended by natural light ac alone, and therefore the reafon of it mutt be Believed and the under- ctttanding captivated CO theobedience of Faith.] Where note, a. That though he fay [perfeatè]heproveth that it cannot be known by that which is below a perfea knowledge. a. And thathe denyeth not only aprafíical Paving knowledge, but aproper theoretical or dogmatical knowledge,. For this he citeth thole words of, Cajetan at large (in r,p: q. 22. art'. 'q..) which many others cite and commend, [Pn ignorantiafola quietens invenio, &c. ] And there is no man betides Alvarez higher for the Dominicans way of Abfolute predetermination, than D. Bannes who is of Cájetáns opini= on (in 1. p. q. z 3. art. F. & z. 2.. q.1o. art. 1.) [ c siquss non intelligit cc quorrïodo talus liberi arbitrii fit nihilorninus fit effeftsasJjam pre- tc defnitlws a Divinapravidentta, oportet earn credere G" Primum "omniunc debuiffet credere quod aiunt fe nonpoffe intelligere: Credimus "enimCátholiczew myflerium rrinitatce, etiamfi non intelligumus.] And Alvarez citeth Calvin (lib. de stern. Dei predefl. cont. Pigb. p.' 136.) faying [" siquis hoc mentes fun cáptu fiaperius effe excipiat,idens u de me fateor. sed quid mirum, fi modulum noftrum imcomprehenlibi- rr lis & immenfa Dei majeftas exfuperet .2 ,.4equi tantum.abefl or pro cc corms ration explicandum fufcipiam rublime iftud recondittimque ar- ÉÓ canom, ut quid initio prefatus fum affiduè in memoriam redire velim, "defipere qui plus frire appetunt, quám Deus revelaverit. tare nos " potins dosa ignarantiá deleitèt, quam intemperans 6- ebriaplus quarts ìc Dens permittit curio/ltas. What Augufline confeffeth you may fee a little in Alear. ib.p. 48z; `,4.33. but mortis' himfelf often: What Suarez, Hurtado,Mendoz. and other themol fubtil philbfophi- cal Divines confefs commonly of the incomprehenfrbilityof thèfe things, and the darknefs and uncertainty of oúr conceptions, I have elfewherc partly cited; and any that readeth themmay find. Now all this being fo notorious, and their ignorance commonly con=, feffed, may Ï not confidently inferr, s. That then (feeing all mutt be reconciled by Believing) we muff have nothing obtruded on, us herein; which is not to be proved by the Wordof God: What the Word faith of Predetermination, of the manner of Gods operation on fecund caufes; and influx on fouls, andof the natureofhis firft effect or L'is impreffa, &cJ we will receive: But yet men mutt not Match up a metaphorical expreft fonin oneor a fewTexts, and urge that againui the frequent and plain ex- preffionsof the Scripture ; of the fpirits. Operation on fouls,Chrift hims Pelf faith ( which is more than all forecired) [The wind bloweth where it lii leth, andye hear the found thereof, but ye know not whence it corn- eth, and whither itgleth : fo is every one that is born of thefpirit. ] But 'as for the operations of God by the word preached and other means, and the Holy Ghofts operation by and with thole means, and the Holy Ghoftr indwelling and operating after in_ Believers, there are frequently afferted in