Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Ofgod's gracious Operations on Klan's Soul : One is mans fin, corrupting themfelves and their pofterity more than as they ate; the feed ofAdam C and this God is no Caufe of.) The other is Gods free difereooring mercy to fame of equal ill defers, giving them both Greater outward helps, and Common Grace, and fewer impediments, and fo morepreparing them for fpecialGrace. But noman b y Inda o n lPf tio is deprived of fpecial Gracey but he that bath contra&ed more than he:had from Adam only. And God doth not equally repair and difpofe all that haveviciouflyundifpofedthemfelves: Though whilethey are here,hegiveth fuch mercy to ill, as tendeth to their recovery. 4, If the queftion be of the equality ofGods Impulfe, or Influx on the foul, í. Theremay be a-diverfity of further effe&s, where the imprefs is the fame in kind andmeafure;; becaufe of mens various Difpofitions to receive it, and their various. concurfe That may convert one, that dodi not another,. But yet Goddoch not make equal Impre onsonmens fouls: For, I. His own free-will as a Liberal benefactor doth more for fome (asPaul) than for others z. Mens ill deferts may fo forfeit grace and quench the Spirit, is to make a difference., 3. The means much differ which feveral men have : AndGod ufually operateth according to the means, upon the foul_ 5. If thequeftionbe eitherof the All or Habit, it is no queftion.: For that Were but to ask, Whether all men have equal faith, love and Other graces e whichcommon experience denyeth. , a. 6.Whereas famewill (tickat mymentioning aDivine Iinprefs on.the foul, in nature antecedent to Aci and Habit, I would have them remember, that either there is fucha thing or not. If there be , Í rightly mention it If not, we are inlantly at an endof all this fort of Controverles, and Calvinifts and Arminian cannot differ if they would.' For then the queftion mutt, be only about that which is paf queflion, viz, r. Either about Gods Aét as in Himfelf, which is his Pimple Effence z.;Or about theAll and Habit of Faith, Love, &c. in Man, which all the World knoweth is not equal; For all men have not faith : For as for pre-di, fpofttion, the queftion will be revolved to the fame point; It is certain cat all are not equally difpofed, and it is certain that Gods Alls as in hint arehis Effence. SECT. X. whether the fad operation be Phyfical or Moral? ,O% r: His paltry queftion is worthy but a;few words, though it make too much (Br, Ofthe fenfe of the words Phyfical and Moral having fpokenbefore, I will not repeat it here. i.If thequeftion be de operation ut eft anus agentis, before the effe&, it were but to ask, Whether Gods Pfence be Phyfccal or Moral ? which is unworthy an anfwer. 0. z. z. If the queftion be of the Ailïan of fecond Caufes, as the Preacher, &c. if truly Alls, they are both Phyfical as they are really atlas naturalist and moral as they are the alts offree intellectualagents. But the Alls ofLaws and other objects meerly as objeéts (on man) are called MoralAds, becaufe they are but nominal; but indeed areno Alts, and therefore neither Phyfical nor Moral. For they are but figna; and fgnificare is not agere ; but is only an objective aptitude, bywhich an prelleaaat