Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

And the Si b-4peratio is ofMan's Wile. SECT. XL what Free-will Man hath to Spiritual Good, &c< ?, I, t He underfianding of the Nature of the Po ver and Liber'tl 1 of thewill, is the very key-to open all the reft of the con- troverted difficulties. in thefe, matters : But having fpoken of it fo much before, in the former part of this Book, and more elfewhere, I'Ihall no further weary the Reader with repetitions, than to nöte theft fewthings following. ,t). 2. If any like not the narré of Freev,ill, Libers 3'elùntas; letthem but agree about thefe two, the Power of thewill, and Free-`choice, * Li- ,, Nat ,e tiTs. arisa a berrtm arbitriton, and the. need not contend about Free-sbïll, it aabar nazis. ab ulusocs" y .. huit [ Lib. trFit Hy, (). 3. 1. As to the firft, Tt is thevery Effenceof theWill to be a ná- pac,ttaram prop ik, e à vural Power or faculty ofWilling Good and Nilling evil apprehendedby the rixari de eeàbvl,'. Intellect; and commanding the inferiour faculties , either politically of tier; ùgnttxr sn t;;,' ti.'tis defpatically, difficultly or eafily, perfebily or imperfe'ílys according to its. i'aium sr Jneu'u f re pa- refolrotion ,and thenrReceptivity. ¿?rois ad Taftiaiton ZeZñ- rrs hoc xQcabtitam záú= d. 4. 2. Thep erty of choice is not only Libertas Va1esntàtis , bixLi, 'car Melan$h. Lo 'Cool. bolas Hominie, when a man mayhave what he choofeth ör willeth : :de fib. acs. r.'n. . Note, 'that the päpifts Here the Aet of choofing is the Wills ; but the obje& is fotnewhat elfe ; tonfefs, that by ChrtflS either an Imperatealt offorce inferiour faculty, or force extrinfick thing: 'Cafe it is prove& that Sowe fay truly, that the unbeliever, or unconverted firmer, may believe' rob u rzsiumn róc may repent, may haveChrift and life, if'he will (asDr, T> iffe(re'quent., neceifarytdMerit i Sá ly of%rteth.) Pet s. Mph, rot¡. u- nt et(. pat. qo. p 5. 3. But the Liberty of the will it (elfy is bile the 'mode of its * of the real clikieneè felf -determination, as without conflraint it is a felt-deternsiningprinciple Of theft three, fee Rot:. in its elicite Ards, confidered comparatively, Earbn. Merapby Ì take not that which I. 6. The Libertyof the Will is threefold, t, ibei tyofContrádtc`lieri; many Sehöolmeh .cati Liberty o£ fomparense to òr exercitii ; 2. Of i Contrariety or fpetification in the .21c1 t 3. Of obje- . be anòther fòrt of Libcr- c`live fpeciftcation, which is Liberty of Competition, i. The firft Lilitrtj' 'ty i lhou h I f ioguith is to will or not will ; to Hill or not nill. 2. The fecond is Liberty co placgnée£ErömlJtC014:' will or null this. g.,The third is Liberty to will this objet or that, or 'of elen,on asbe,ng l to nul This or That.''' priòr difirihútton And f.-7. Thewill hath not all thefe forts of Liberty about eVeryobjel e bbeeyy(oóf COlit for it cannot will known evil as froth, 6-4 But it hash all theft about ryfpectally) may Rand feveral obecïzs. with ttecetfitÿof hnmo J I . . table ditpdfitidn yea a. 8. By this powerand Liberty, theWill is rna'de ofGod, to lie a kind and with frime fort of of Caufa prima fecundum quid, of the Moral ORDER or fpecificatton of ueceuitating opergetòq bfGdd,as is ici t hrtlhan its own a És; Not fimply or ftriítly. a Catifa prima ; For t. Itwas God the Ìòrified . And ht the firfl caufe thatgave man this felf-determining Power. 2, It is God this lane ilennal feife that uphaldeth it: And fo it fail! dependeth wholly on his fupporting will: ireFaöne, vfuppòfi6 g. God concurrelh by lais univerfal influx; to its ails. it. God is (till votantarin4 to be the ä theLord of it, and can turn it as he pleafe , and over-rule it to his Ends; átfièo'ntÌrài etdtew i (m5ó and hath put no aêt of ours from under his power. But he that the .word [ Free:, forbeareth his own further operation, as that he hathmade the tillable' g ] being fo C ace v fdrefaid Scheme Phew- eth ) we mutt be fare that we pretend not the Controverfes de notoise to be de te But, it is the Ìnâiffeceney, of à Victors will that we have now to do with , and not that Rate of perfett deiermination, Or that Amplitude os advancement of the will, which Gibieuf and fueh others talkof : And note that by f rage ages.?vel nil àgert J which we put into the definition of free-will, we mutt not mean that Patriaa moults ou laphmrca which i! nothing] but the wills moral difpofition or habit; but the Pateotiá.Naturalic : And fo it May be fard tifthrill and thegläffi Ed, that their not finningor not willing fin, is not ex impoteoria natubali, bui es Pfff it oil