and theSula operations of Man's Will. 3 "Ï ,() 15.. We take not this Liberty to be inconfiftent with all kind of Neceility, as is opened before in tire Table of Liberty: ?..r6. Nor do we confound the feveral forts of Liberty, (as the laid Table fheweth) r. A PoliticalLiberty fromReltraint ofLaws is one thing ( not queftioned in there difputes t) a. And aMoral or Holy Liberty from vice or finful difpofitions and acts is another. 3. But it is the Natural Liberty of mans will on earth, thatwe fpeak of. t3. 17. So far asany man is vicious, he wanteth the MoralLiberty of his will, and fo far as he is virtuous andfanctifled he bath it : that is, His Will is fo far freed from fin: 18. We takenot Libertyofwill toconfIft in Neutrality fofdifpofition or meet Indífferency : For the will aéteth` freely when it actedt according to its Inclination and habits, with the greateft propenfty, yea, íonflancy of felf-determination. 19. We cake not the Indetermination of the will tobe itsperfe- dion but its Natural imperfeflion : But fuch as God bath made it in, in this World, where all his creatures have not the fame perfection. lo. Therefore though God bath thought this indeterminate, felf determining will, ro be fitteft fora Viator in his tryal and preparation for felicity, yetperfeCtion confifteth in the motiDeterminateflare ofLove, with the greateft neceffity which proceedeth from the perfected nature of man, and the full communication ofLove from God, which we hope to have in Heaven for ever: And he is belt on Earth who is neareft to this Rate. t Set Pr: Miittdo àgainfi white. 'Therefore we do with judicious straegius di= ftinguilh the ctfential Liberty which is ['elf- determination according toReafon, from that li> betty of Índifferency which is inconfiftent With predetermination and necefiìtationt SECT. XI I. Somewhat more of. Predetermination; withan anfwer to Dr. Twiffe. Hough I remit the Controverfic of *Predetermination to iremit 416 itreder í a peculiar full Dilputation on that fubjelt, yet this touch Stranecos againft the ne- fn tránfitu I (hall give here. ceffity ofpredetermina- I. It is not Godsmeer Volition Or Decree of theEvent that we (peak P neipere non pofJum quo. of ; but his Phyfical Motion. medo ftan t plfie Deni z. t TheDominicans ( theMatters of the Inquifttion, and Murderers of taafas ttberas, eteam ad' the walden es andAlbi en es of old, and therefore faulty as well as the /ice prodierice malos,pay- j g f ,) y fa prædeterminare> quan 3efaits, thotìgh there are very Learned men among them both, do corn- aide fegaatar pout?' Eli monly hold, that NS creature natural or free can ail, unlefs God by im- LeBlankthi ef: 56. boo: mediate phyfical efficient premotion predetermine it to that aft, both in Concurfu, be. the alt as filch ( which they call the fubftance of it) and all themodes t it's are the fin-burning and o cans orU and circeomflancei and older of it. tormenting menfor chat 3. Auguftine and Tan(eniui after hilt) with their true followers hold which they hold God Both do in them and by not this neceflityof predetermining premotion to all acts, natural, orfin- them , and necetlitate ful ; but only to fpiritual ood alts : which is not from the Nature, but them to. See Bradwar. the Corruption of Heap, and therefore the predetermination is not Made, Dt liqdm1m, odio ,79-1-`,4% u eéd fay they, by Gods Common Natural Motion, but by Medicinal Grdee: oar guamlibet voluntarem creatam ad qúemlibet li- beroni attuo,[sum & tel fationem ac vacationem ab a/iu ; & her necffiate ndturaliter precedenti ea, cor. p. 649.Omtia quo font, pot alit eveni- -tint, font,firmed'. eveniunt de aligoa necejtate apfa naturaliter.precedente. This is jolt Hobbs. *w So c. 5.p. 65q. that Nocreature hails fimple libertyof Contradition, or Contingency, butonly fecundum quid in refpe to fecond routes : but Only Gods a/s of will ad extra are fimply free and contingent. As if God had given no crea- tare Liberty to forbear fin or do good 5 but doing it or not doing it were from Góds necenìtation,though not front the creatures! 4 :Dtarandits