Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Ofgod'sgracious Operations on !ban's Soul: Gods motion is ad alles fingulares, if he fay that it is not to that fn_ gular act that is done, rather than that which is not done, he giveth up his whole cause. 16. But to this he hath an anfwer that it is a fiction and unfound to fay, that [ á Poffibilìa quonondum exeunt do differre numero : cum aiffer_ "re numero efttantum exifentium.] Anfw. i . Hemay as well fay, that elite poffibile is a fiction : when paffibile is terminus dimínuens ad cß . And is not pofsibile as much afclion de fpecie as de numero? That which is not, neither is in fpecie nor in numero. But there is a PoJfibilitas hu- meri as well as fpeciei. Yet with this anfwer he oft infulteth over the Schoolmcn, when at another time he would have faid thatPofsibile bath an effe cognitum in both refpects. 0.17. And I think thegood man forgat that by this he quiteoverthrow- eth his Book descientiaMedia, and muchof all his other Books, which are animated with the fuppofition of Gods Will coaling feturition from eterni- ty. For if only exiJlentia different numero,futura non flint exentia: And if the futurition of differentia numero be not decreed nor eternal (as of this Sun, this Earth, Paul, Peter, andtheir frngular ants, &c.) then nothing is future from eternity : And fo we are brought to the Arminian election of fpecies only, and not of individuals (inprimo infanti ) which is rejeóted. Sure God eleclethIndividuals, or none: And if fo, it is fu- ture individuals. Individuation exifteth not but in exifentibus. But ifforeknowledge and Decree maybe offutures and non- exiftents, it may be of individuals that are fuels, as well as of fpecies. 0. i 8. Yea, he proceedeth to fay pag. 412. [ Deem fcireplera effe pafsibilie quam flint, non efl fcire multitudinem ;Tram pofsibilium; fed tantum feire fe'prejiare parse ut deter major multitudo rerum exiftenti- um ram atilt fit: Qj re multitudo rerum individuarum pea notum eft tantum exiflentioem, five ea fit multitudo elinalis, five potentialis, &c. ] And yet the foul of his Book deScientia Media is [ Gau!a trap ttionis rerttm è numero Pofsibilium in ntemerum futurorem. ] And my forefaid oppofirion tò his Eternal caufation offasterity, is hereby confirmed. 2. It's true, that to knowquidpofsibile, is not to know it to be exigent, nor any more than to know what God ( e.g.) can do ; and fo to denomi- nate Nothing, quidpofsibile, as relating to Power : (And fo Arimineuf. faith Nothingmay beRelated.) But the like mull be faid of futurity: And it holdeth equally of the fpecies and de numero, & pafsi ilium er futurorem; fo that here we have confttentem ream about the dance and dream of notions and nothings which I have before (hewed they beguile mens underftandings with. And hence allo my former doâlrine is confirmed, of the non-neceffity of a caufal decree of Negatives or Nothings, or of a Pofitive Volition of them. (>. IC). The truth is, an AEI of mans foul is fuch a thing, that de ex- /lentibus it's hard for any of their fubtilties to make known the diffe- rence of fpecies, accidents or individuals ab objeclis: And to knowwhat interruptions they mull be, that go to cut one Immanent aht into two, or hinder unity. SECT.