46 0/ Cod's Cractous Operations on Man's Soul : x Erjanfon in 4. q.8.cor.3. fol. 152. matntaineth ; r. odadobüntedasogra- tram necefjerib ex parte be- minis peacedit diquada. fpof io.2..ptead talem difpo- fitionem home per felpfim potefl fz volt in fe inducere, pralippoJtâ inffaenti8 gz- neroli Dei. 3..ood talis dirpoirio ex parte homini; ñullam inducit necelita- tern introdsltionis grazia ex parteDei : fed totumfit merâ gratuita Dei volun- tare. But the fecond moil be done by com- mon preparing Grace. furthergrace 4' : However God dots not alwayes take the forfeiture, and will not of his elect CO their deftruétion, but doth pardon them. 0.23; By all this it appeareth, t. That all men have a natural power or faculties, enabled to all. that is nereffary to falvation, fo far that it is hotthe want of a proper natural power that (hall neceffttate them to tin and perifh ï z. That this Power is by vice undifpofeato believe, &c. 3. That it bath lime indifpofitiontoall that virtue or moral good which tendeth to falvation. 4. That it is', not equally wadi/loafed to all fuch Good, 5. That its Indifpofltion to force means of Recovery, is no greater than what may be overcome by Godscommoner fort of Grace. 6. Tnat this com- moner Grace is not herein everfo effectual, as that all that receive it, do all thegood that they can do by it, even in a moral fence 5 nor all that force others do that have no more help : But the wilful negligence of the re- ceiver, or Isis diverfon or refrftance frequently fruftrateth it ; though not àlwayes. 7. That the right ufe of thiscommoner grace, in the ufe of the forefaid means, is a wayappointed by God himfelf, and not in vain, by and in which men may be made fit to receive that fpecial Grace which will call them làvingiy to believe. 8. That no man is denyed that fpecialgrace that deferveth it not by the abufe of common grace.. (How the case of Infantsdepèndcth on the Parents I molt not inftance as oft as the excepti. ensof wranglers require it.) g. And therefore no man is condemned for want of natural Power as fuch, but only for want of ftirring uphis natural power by thofe helpsof grace, by which he might have done it, and for want of that further Good `( faith, love, obedience ) which by the helps re- jcied.he might have been brought up to, had he not wilfullyneglefted the power and helps which he had, ro. Yea ufually God long waiteth patiently on finners with the tenders of mercy, while they rejelt it, before he utterly forfake them. SECT. XIV. pi {tether the giving offaith be an 4a of Omnipotency e and a proper Creation t' and a Miracle ? . r. T He Reader muff pardon me for troubling him with Chefs fri- volous queftions about names, feeing unhappy Theologues creation it an ambigu- leave made itneceffary. An:Al? of Omnipoteney bath feveral fenfes : oils word: Pe. de Aui- I. If the meaning be Whether Omnipotency be the Agent Principle it acu.in 4. q. i. G. telleth usof four Ordinary fen- is paft difpute. For it's all one as to ask Whether it be ail Act of God ? tes of theword, T. Fa- God bath noPower but Omnipotency, that is, perfect power. cere aliquod effe pod non effe : 2. Facere atiq,rid z. If themeaning be,,Whether the Givingoffaith be an Adequate ef- efle pall non eft ab il'o fell of Omnipotency, it is alto negatively pall doubt. Though thofe that ca in pma s,a rot take Cod to be but Anima Mandl, fay that Either the world is Infinite Zet prbjefti. 3. Facere or that God is not Infinite, as thinking the World to be his adequate ef- aljguad effe paft nm: effe, fl, feu r ilt ; yet chrifiano are commonlyagreed, that God bath no adequate ef- fnz raufalt rnffera materi.: vet tub- feet. Even the making of the univerfe, the Giving of drill, and theelo- je0t one fubieflo praluP y,i tar¢jo the Church, which are the hi heft eff'e es of his Power wifdom pafto ex quo .jilted fiat. f3 f r g 4. Farm: aliquid effe port ano lave, are not adequate effect!; Fornothing but another Godcanbe an nos off': ay?, agents fe adequate effeliof God: And another God, is acontradiUion. Jnla caùfante, em five con- coin aiteri,u carfa effe t en o- Malderusr.2.qu í13.a.9 p578exTho.Oc Auguft. ju/ificatioimpiieft maximumopus Dei. Seruodumquantitate" ta- p', one eft Angetos it fiatr`esre fed feeuadum gnantitatempropo tibats ínajru aft impias jugiflcare -- joie major eft di f ro- preti ;, nü rat gratiam aramjoie adglorlam ; (ice ex plebelocreate ducem quam ex duce regem. Aug. Tr. 72. in Joh. Ages :rev e'r jc:iwiùs 'r.xcc, agucG; potencia, hoc astern major is-ralfericardie eft. ?).2. 3. But