and the Sub-óperationsöf Man'sWill. 49 as the Receivers capacities are various. To one, the fame operation ebb parteDei Gmediorum. ( though not from thefame Decree) is abundant- ly efficacious; and to anothernot. r I. And thus God fo limiteth the effect of his Power; as that it (hall be effeEtual fometime on acondition to be freely performed by man re- ceiving it, evenby a former help, and not abfblutely. 12. Therefore all that is Aptitudinally efficacious, is not alivally effi- cleat of every effect to which it was thus apt. p, 13. The aptitudinal efficacy ofthe means being of God, falleth in with his ordinate power, herein, and is not the thing in queltion, .0. 14. The effe1s in refpe l to which Grace is called efficacious are; , a . TheGiving of theMeans themfelves. a. The fïrfi Imprefl'on the foul" 3. The altering of the fouls Difpofttion. 4. The produátion of the alt: 5. Andof the Habit. And it mutt be fome of tiefe effèlls which are calledefficacious or inefficacious to others. So that by that time the !late of the Q;efiion is truly opened, this which Dr. rwifie faith Arminius dur(l never freakout his opinion of, and which he andothersmake tobethe very heart ofall thefe Controverfies, perhaps will appear tobe nothing. a5 . For what is that Grace whofe efficacy you enquire oft' Is it Gratia operant or operata ? The efficient caufe, or the effect ? If it be Gods Gratia operans, it is either the Prime caufe or the fecond caufes. if it be the Prime caufe, itis Gods eJfence only ; Even his Effential Powers Vafque id ; Tiro. ¢: Intelleti android. And is that the ueftion t- wherein con t teth the a aç d'tp' 8e. P sOZ' Q C ff [Po1intae libra Déi, eft cacy of Godsoffence? ] Whyit confifteth in it self if you mean Aptitudinal -(ferric nfvina efficacy ; It is Gods effential Virtue. If you meanActrsal efficiency, that Zara pe amensset cif, ípeaketh the effeEt; of whichmore anon. So that about Gods effential cnmrevera fr ipfamet fnb efficacy there is no Controverfie. frantic ; insfadir rrs= men babitudinam edam t 6. But if you fay that It is his Potentia yuà ordinatd and not qua quandam rationir ad res effentialis,vel abfolute that you enquire of the efficacy of ;Remember fnturas, quæ, libtx Deó, that the word Ordinata or Limited fi nifìeth no alteration in Gods Power `nnvenir; ¡`"° eriam re{ g libere futuræ font :cum, at all, but only An effeet which u Limitedand ordinate, fromwhence the cairn list rentarlo cis irgat power cauingit is extrinfecally fonamed. Gods offential Power is never ax fundaments nos nee -- fares, nemp`e ;Leis" ipfsi limitedbut ; and to be Ordinate, is butCO have ordinate effetii. So dr oijetaK futuri ; ipfa that (till either the Controverfiemuff beofcods effence, ( which is raft Con= dim habitude ube a Des cnnvenit ; no{t intriseks; troverfe, ) or of fomefecond caufe, or fome meet effe&. fed exirinfecâ ¡Drum dena- . 17. Andif you transferr the Qeftion to the efficacy of fecund cdufef, minatione; gram Des coN I. You will denyyour felves, thatmeans and econd cau eihave any power ienire ea nod ""venir f f YP non eft abJUrdum. Ergv but from God ; 2. And that thevery nature,of thófecaufes is fufficient to cam Voile liberum Dei noti the afcertaining of the effcsf, becaufe theycaufe moftly morally: And it is f d mtxmn ai red 7u ce , oneof the accusations againfi theArminians ( right or wrong) that they amf tiberta Pptunt:u potft lay all on moralfoal/on or ceufality, 3. And fecond caufes are fo numerous, Dea adept, dr gbof, e, niAit fegreitrir abfierdi, and unknown good di- to its, that we are 'incapable of judging well Of their effi- vina fimplitilatim eacy, q,, But it is I think agreed between you, that the force of Means mretabititau epngntt. j or fecond caufes in Converfon is not fuch as neceffrrateth the will. Or nsteli ,ts,b sac cods if fomeof the Schoolmen and 3efuites, which with their ScientidMedid do free Voli on of extrin- joyn Gratiam per congruitatem friediorum elcacem, do make this efficacy f ck effktn'is. An?can you tell us en:dmore ? to be the chief caufe of theeffeft, yet theydeny it to caufe necearily s' at Bradwardine denying io leaftalwayes, when the effeét follor eth. And what if we add, that ob- Goa any executive pow er betidesmeet Volition teas ofct not as fuch? And therefore this queftion de' 4cacia caufarúm (though he call hint ono- fècundarrsrn, mutt erZtend ter fönié fecond effeulive Agents, and not only to nipotentantecedentlyto objects at Pleb, nor to tilde that preach, prefect and offer Objects,," filch: olit on) odochgemake And what that Agent Cau(e mull be,, under God, by that time you are Grace ex parse nei to be:. agreed, you will find that they are new Çòntroverfies that will therc rife rmthingbuthisivill,than we (hall do citeáß, ava áp beforeyou. Andyet Ithink that if We will needs wrangle about the be tact andturti H hh lu e, ficacioufnef/