And the Sub-operations ofMan's 1Vill, fd, if there be no fich Impulfe, befides the Life, Light and Love pro: Muted, our Controverte is at an end : For thefe are not efficdciotes or effi- iient of themfelties. But if fuch adjferent Impulfe there be, its hard to know what it is in man. I conceive it belt expreffed by 'al! thefe inade- quate notions conjun& r. An inward urgency-to this threefold a& which is called in theSchools, both auxilium, concurfe;and Influx : x. By which Urgency the foul is more Difpofedto the At (in hoc ordine ) than it was before : 3. Which Difpoftion containeth in it aMoral Power-to that Ad C foordered ) andfomewhat more ; even fome Inclination toper form it. If any man can tell niebetter what that Divine Impulfe is which is antecedent to mans 4cî, I am willing to learn. (). a S. Now if this be thequeftion, whether this Divine Impulfe, which is the frrfl efecl of Gods fpirit, be of its ownnature efficacious to produce [recording to fa reenia our Faith, Love, &c. as the fecondefeft, I anfirler, i. Sometimes Gods im- the firft Grace is Necef- faryDelegation or Love pulfe is. fo Great, as propriá vi, doth change mind and will and overcome inaa, before that whicÌr- refiflance, and procure our ad. 2. Sometimes it is fo ftrong as that it pre- i free full. . nAn4 e vaileth againft the contrary i1l-difpofition, fo far as to give man a Moral causng this grace, anti; Powerto the Ad, with force inclination, which yet contrary habits and fo none ta be the fnbje temptatións do overcome, and the A& lothnotfollow, which yet was not ther of thiit s question, whletse- be , for want of Power to have done it : And this is called Grater fufficient or mote effor eanal, 3. We have great rcafonto believe that as in fomé Inftances Godsgreater °lnera ugh orich-op a, Imprefis thechief differencingCaufe, fo in other Inftances an equal lm- enggran which d inith pull of God on unequally difpofed fubje&s, doth producethe Ali ofaith, ally rather than another &c. in one of them, which it produceth not in the other, through the in- Godst eifencaiwill' bit capacity of the recipient. 4. Therefore there is a double degree of ef- this Love be the firft ficacyor vie, One which only fo far móveth andhelpeth the will, as that Grace, and no received it can do the ad, and fometime dab it without more : Another which is Impulfe antecedent to ici foflróng as that the fecond effe& alwayes followeth it. s. But when- ever the Atof faith is produced ( byforce orImpulfe more or lefs) God is the firft and principal caufe of ir, and manbut the fecond, and the praife of it is accordingly due. And I think this decifion accommodateth both fides of our contenders. 0.26. The forefaid Impulfe or firft effeót, is only thework of God (and the means) and not ours : But the At of Faith, Love, &c. is Gods work and ours ; and ours asFree -agents. Therefore that Impulfe ofGodwhich omne agiva regnirit de isAptituidinally efficacious on fuppofitionof mans duereception and felf-ei- neceirrarealignam dipaf- citation is oft not At<tually efeatoalfor want ofthat Voluntary Recepti- tionem in tae páJfo : ma. on and feifexcitation. rime 6 illudpa nm bobcat difpofaims a£tioni lulus 0.27. As to the variouseffeils of Grace fore-mentioned, t. As to the agentiscnrtrarim,oat pater de igne &c. Ergo camGra -' preparationof 'MeansandGracious medicine (Chris,the Covenant, &c.) eta non fir mina: iv:ma Grace is efficient of it fell, anddoth it. magi's glom naruralis for- a. As to the fin i Impulfe orImprefs on the foul, God certainly effe£íeth nea; certain of paid Gra- tz,: requirit majerem dif- it, inTome degree;wherever hisfpirit workethon the foul. pofitienem in pafo. Et 3. Some Urgency, and force degree of difpofitionn to the ad, is conftantly 'coo illam difioiitianemd contained in this Impulfe. And ufuallyit giveth amoral power to the Im- Doe'.ra`bmmitteie, áel mediate Ad-required. alteram partem declinare, 4. The Aét of faith fometimes followeth this Impulfe through its in- fcilicet ad neolendum Ora- p g burr recipere,¡ ' deters de vincible force ; And fometime it followeth it through its fufrcientforce, calpa commi/fa volontarie and thedue Reception of thefubje&. And fometimesit' followeth it not e libere per attritinnem, at all, through the Recipientsindi o ition. g. fol. m 4. q. 8: mr: p fpf 3. Lrgá. s. The Habit of faith ever followeth afpecial Alit, through theponverfül Thos Pin et ntdollcine Operation of the Holy Ghofl. But dually it goeth not before the Ad:. Man ers,fuppofing thatCorr. bath- not afixed Habit topromptitude and facility of believing before he mosn Grace mull make believeth, but after, this preparation which Hh hh 2 6, The the papilla grant. 5I