Ind the Stab-operations ej Man's Will. SECT. XVI. Óf Ìnftifed Habits, and theHold Gb011 Givenass: Very operation of the Holy Ghòf1 is not the Gtvinó of the HelÿGhoft, which is fpecially promiftd in the GCpcl tò be- lievers. For there are I. Many cbmmenworks of the Spirit; 2. And the fpecial efrétef faithit felf before it. z. This gift of the HolyGhoff unto Believers, was formerly twofold, the Gift of ,í racles or wonders, and of f e'cïitl Holineff ; of üLich the latter continueth to theendof the world. 3. The fbirit is Given to Believers in feveral refpecRs conjunct. 4. In that he is Given to aril? their Head, with whom by Union they are Relatively oneBody. z. In that I-i`e is Given to them by the Baptifmal Covenant, in fpecial Relation to their own perfans, to be their [and/tier In which refpe& they are Raptizedinto the name of the Holy Gheft, as be- ing now in Covenant theirs. 3. In thathe worketh in them the Acts and Habits of Holinefl', even of Lové to God and to his Image ; and helpcth them in aliduties, and againf} all temptations, enemies and fins. But not that his eff'ence is more in them than elfewhere, but his operations from thofe Relations. q.. This Gift of the fpiritis thegreat privilèdge of believers, and of Gospel times in the eminent degree, and He is the great Agent, Advocate and wwitnef of Chrifi inns, the divine nature, and name of God and his Mark upon us': our stiitneff,earneft, pledge, and frrjifruits of life eternal; and the greatdifference between Chrifts living members and the unregene- rate world. 5. So powerful' and fixed is this HabitualHolineffor Love ofGod (for that is the fummofit) that though it be no fub lance, nor alter not mans !pares, nor operatenot bynatural neceilitating determination, yet it ffrongly and conflzotlyindineth the foul per madam naturat to the alt of Love ; and fo emulateth nature, that iriscalled in Scripture the Divine Nature, and the newman. . 6. The greatefl ble ing in this world is to have more of this spirit, and the greatef} punifbinent, to be forfakenby the fpirit, and deprivedof it: Andbelieversthémfelves mutt fear mot},' left they fhould quench and grieve the fpirit, and bepunifliedwith anymeafure of its defertion : And their greatwork is to chérifb it carefully; and obey it faithfully and córi- fsantly. p. 7. The word [ Infu /lon] as to Habits being metaphorical, is ám- biguous. r. If the queftion be, Whether Habits be fo infufëd as that they are caufedwithout Means? we muff deny it ordinarily. 2. Íf it be, Whether they are riot at all procured by any cogitations, de- fires, of preparatory duties of our own, to fit us to receive thetil r It is tobe denyedas to the ordinary way. 3. If the queftionbe; Whether the Acd offaith do ever go before the Habit; as aiaufeo f' it ? It iriuftbe affirmedof the ordinary cafe. 4. If it be, Whether the Habit ever go bèförè thé Air ? sit muf}' fay, that Come Impulfedifpofangtoit doth. And God can cattle a Habit before the Act : Butwe cannot prove that heever doth fo, much lefs that it is his rtirdináry way. The Schoolnieh that fpcak moil for the ncecf- í.t}' of InfufedHabits,can- nor agree jabot nie they are fgr Aureol. hippo: fcoh chiefly, for the right circanil ntiatiugófACts, rather thanfor prompti- rude to them and plea- fure in them. And when alÍ isfaid, they give men but fmall comfort frohi them, Paying (as Aureo, las, Brianfon, &c.) that m no an can be fure that he bath diem, feeing acquired Habits may do the fame things that I .; Paled do. estrum Beatitude fuperna- turalis buys vite fit ni- gis in Habitibas .quam in operation,bus , vid, Sua- rez Metáph. difp. 44. far. 8. n. 18. & Molina at. a. pro habitibo,. Sod contra íngait ..Fgid. de Sana Prfentatione Li. beurre. q, 5: 2.34: p: 47, His non obltantibus oppofitum 'tenant owes Theologi gut bac de re. feti feront : net videtnr pó de hoe dubitari. And yet Alenl a. p. q; Io4, in. 3. Aquin. 1. z. a. z. ad 3, & q. 63: a. z. ad 3. & Valentia 2. To: difp. 4. q. 3. puna, 2. &c. are for preferring Habits. ¡den ungid, de Prefentat. l`' 4. P. 443, 444. tells us that by Grace God is Prefent in the foul as his Temple othervife than by Immenfity and fallen- ration ; But his prafentiá Amicitie can mean no- thing but the fpecial ef. fensofGods Lwe. Nofirâ tempeftate non forum eft temerariam, dr pentu- lofum, fed fore hæreticunt habito, ifufos negare Nam Cenci!. Vienenf. &c. dr univer(i _Theologi uno chifenfu affirmant dari ha- bitue in ufos : Medina iii I. a. q. 5f. a: 4. 282- Bbt Soto /0.2. de nat. es grat e. 17; r8. faith that the Cantil.Trid. purpofe- lyforbore to define the cafeof ïnfufed habits. Let the Reader note that 3anßnius pboveth that Pe/ügiushimfelf afferted infufed Habits green in baptifm, and that with: out merit. fanf. Aug. Toe 1. il, 5. c. 22. p. 1264 ßt.8. Whence