And the Sub-operations o fMan's Will. 55 SECT. XVII. whether man be meerly PaJJive as to the firft fpecial Grace. s. nrHe Nature of mans foul is tobe an Active spirit, and therefore what ever it receiveth:, it receiveth it as it is in that nature. a. But, the fame foul is Pave as well asActive, and that in, the prior infiant of nature ; For it muff receive from God the firft caule: which made the Greek antient Dottore and many of the Latines fay as Damafcene inCede, (though in groffer words) that the foul in refpeé bodies was immaterial (or incorporeal) but it was material in refpett.ofGod. 2. Not only in itsReceiving the Spirits firft Impulfe CO Believe, the. foul is Paftve, before it is Active : but alto in itsReceptionof every fort ofDivine Influx, even to every natural ad. So that in this there is no. difference between Converfion and any common ad. For the foul isfirft pave in all; : even in receiving that Natural Influx by which we Live andMove and Be. ?.3. But the foul ivhich is pafvé in Receiving Gods Impulfe to be; lieve, ( the firft effeä,) isAttive in the producing of its own Aid of be- lieving, ( which is the effect Of many Concaufes.) And, as I- Paid, It is not the Habit of faith properly fo called, which it pafsively Received' before the Act. * DndiJjereittia S'eluntatià in ordine ad auxilien praviam e,2, ndifferentia paya: cntermn in ordine ad adtum liberen , queen producir pradeterminata tali motion pravia, i:n= differentia Veluntatit eft aEtiva dr libera. Alvatez de Aux. difp. 23. pag. Its. SECT. XVIII. ' whether the firft Grace , and the New and Soft Heart be Promifed and GivenÁbfolutely, or on any Condition on our part ; And fo offaith it felf ? Anfrr, a: I. it the frit Giace is meant-, either ftnply the firft, of B thefirsfpecial renewing Grace on the foul,proper CO them >F that fhall be uflified, Of the r Grace /im l there is no Condition vng as inward race, for it is given Univerfally to all, ( viz. a Reprievah a Law OfGracej a fee, how copidufl the Redeemer, ó-r.) And after this there is much common perfonal mercy! andOthe f asvafgeel .proveth given conditionally, and much abfolutely, to all or tome.* ` that it hath no initiera ?). a. It teemed" to me an error ( which by overfight I was long en- önor'difpoftion,omúch tangled in my Pelf) to think that by the new and,foft heart , is meant less merit, firwhtchii the firft. fpecial Grace, For molt Divines agree, that it is proper faneti- is given : And he rea. fication which is meant by it as diftin& from antecedent Vocation. Yid: Conti from the Names, Creatión, Generation by Ansef. Medal. deVocat: Rolloe. deVocat. Bishop G. Downame aoainft Pemble the feed cif God, refufci, Hookers Souls Vocation; oh. Rogers' of faith, and many others. InVo' talion ,and gods be% g i ing föünd óf them that cation they fuppofe theAit ofFaith andRepentance fufcitatedby theSpi- fought him oat , and. rit; and thereupon a Covenant- Relation to Christ and to the Holy Ghoft; from the Çaüfe of the difference between man and man. De prrde¡t Tr g dill,. t8 § 4, q, 6, 7, 8, &r. p.227, 248, dre. Even Medind 12. p.596. is fo hefitant as to fay ] Effe probabilem fententeamDe 1erum qúod facienti quad in le eft ex fatultate natures Deus, ex fua mifericerdia nunggqquaon denegatgrana . Sed dice quad probabilins eft Sr magio tonfentaneum fanttispatribus, preitpueAuguftino, non etc Legen inJallibilemquad ho wni peccatore faienei quad in fe eft, ex fatultate nature, continuo conferatur gratta.. gam fi effet. Lea ienjjallibilis eer0 îeitium er bona pari jeisgilsatiotia effet d nobta, &c.] , Thus the Papifts herein differ as much as the Yroteftantl arming them- !elves. with