Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

. And the Sub-operRtrorE,r cf' Màtt'.r 12. It is not only fub ratione ohedientie as it is a thing coní- manded by a Law, that Love to God is.Morallygood, Liu in that fupe- riour fence, formally as it is the Love ofGod, . And thereforeLove is called the Law ofLaws, and the fulfilling of the Law , not only as commanded by a Law, but as being the End of the Law, and the ¡date of perfedi- on above it (as Chrift is to the Law of Mofes, ) and alfo as being a Law eminenter (fomethinggreater ) though not forinaliter. 13. But as there is an Order in there Relations, fo is there in the Morality of our Actions as towards them : So that the Laft frill in- .çludeth the reft foregoing. All Love is obedience ; and all Obedience is fubmifon to our Owner : But all Obedience, is not Love, nor äll Sub - mifsion: or Refignation, formal obedience to a Rector c Though they mutt all concurr, and not be divided, when they are formallydiftin- guifhed. 14. I have thought it neeeffäry ( though I be guilty of Tome ré- petition ) to opeo here the, Dol rive of formal Morality '(Virtùe ánä Vice,) becaufe we cannot underftand how God is vindicated from being the Author of fin, till we know what fin is ; which we cannot do till we know what Virtue is which we cannot do, till we knowwhat Morality is: And 'alfo becaufe. theSchoolmens molt fubtile elaborate en- quiries into this point (efpecially de natura peccati) are generally too little fubtile or accurate, as comparing it with this little; you may perceive. I5. From all this it is plain, Î. That God as the timer Author ana Motor of Nature, Both not caufe us toObey or Love him. And therefore that there muff be caufed by another fuperadded operation. . 16. Yet when ;we Obey and Love him, ' the Generical Nature of the Al c is,front God as the God of Nature, .viz, as it is-Intellection, Volition, Action : But that thefe Allions are fo duly ordered as to be thus terminated on God and things commanded, is otherwife caufed For though the Generical nature ofAction, Intellection' and Volition as fuck,, be feldom found but in foine Moral fpecies, and that be never found but in fngular acts ; yet can one caufality procure the Generical na- ture, and another the Speciffcal, and another the fingularity; in the fame action. As the Sun is theGenerical Calife, and the P-irtusSemi- ;seas the fpecifying , and the Ind/vie/tut/4o feminis the Individuating, of Plants, Animals, &c. {l: 17. As God is the God of Nature, fo he hath fetled Nature in Each a conftárit courfe ofmotion, as that we have (mall reafon totexpel that he should there make any ordinary .mutations ; And therefore ( as the Stin aforefaid ) he doth by his Generical Influx concurr with all spe; cifyin; and Individuating Caufes,,according to their feveral' natures or receptivities. ().18. They therefore that fuppofe thatGod as theCaufe ofallAltion,' mutt (of natural neceffity ad effe) by phyfical efficient premotionpredeä famine everyAl natural and free, to itsobject compared with other pof- fible objells, and that in all its modes and circumftances, 8o confound Nature and Morality, and leave nothing for God to do in canting HUli= nefs, but what he mutt needs do to caufe all action that is caufed, (al= lowing the difference of the fecund effects,) yea, but what he doth in canting every fin: ( For his Precept is not with them the Caufing pre- determination. ) 19. Jefus Chrift, and his Golpe! withall the fore-defcribed frame bf moral means, and theSpirit to co-operate, are theproper fecondcaufer; liii a, by Meeii« -a fo wide as to cr.- tend it to a meer evil fine glen non, or prefup-: pored, which hash not the 1mß morality, effici- ent, material, formal or final, I will not tirive for a word. But condu- cibi!e notethCome hint( and degree of Caufality, which fin bath not to the glorifyingof God : It is the defiroying of fin, that God is glorified by Where the, maim amo- vendam is not the banns conducibile, but the ill RateOf thematter, with- out which God had not glorified himfelf by, this AO, but by Come Other as welt