And theSubsogerátïont of Man's 25. God is noEfficientor Deficient caufe of this Srli Omifsionof the will : For efficient it hath none : And deficient God is not, who gave man power to have done it. Butman is the deficient`Çaufé. 26. Mans not believing, not knowing, not loving, not obeying, not denting,trailing, fearing; be. being the far gteatéft part of the fins of his life*, we fee by this are not at all ofGod. 27. Though multitudes of pofitive Ads fin do follow fuch omif- lions, ( andgo before fome of them;) yet they being not finful as 411s, but as Difordered (againft the Rule and End, and upon undue objects, and efpecially- comparatively, preferring thewrong objelbefore the ) it feemeth that in their firft inftances they are all Omifsive, and Poftive in the record only: which maketh the Schoolmen fo commonly fay that fin is aPrivation. 28. Yet the .MoralformalRelation of fin, is not onlyPrivative, but aPofitive Difobediericeor Difconformity: And fo as raidMorale formali- ter fin hath as much Relative being as Duty hath, viz. r. As contrà Legem fignifcantem, 2.Contra l'oluntatemDei fignificatam ; 3. Et eontr.a ur Divini Dominii Imperil ¿aArtois. 0.29. If any be unfatisfied in this, it is certain that in the l'elle hoe prohibition potins qua hoc imperatum, there is no more phyfical entity, than in theVelle imperatum, no northan there is in the l'elle indefinitely confidered as on any object. Or if any denythat, it is certain that there is ,no fuch addition ofEntity (it being but,ordo modi) in any fuck 'info' A'iZ' from which as filch the formal obliquity or fin refulteth , but what man can do, and Both, without Gods eaufingthe All as fo ordered arid terminated., Sothat God is no way thecaufe of formal fn., #. 3o. t They that fay, He caufeth allthat man caufeth, and thatas the rfl necefritating or infuperable carafe, but yet isnot the carafe oftheform of fin, contradiu themfelves ; feeing that form is but a elation, which refulteth ipfo facto from itsfundamentum and terminus, and né per di- vision; potentiam cannot but do fo ; And hath no other carafe but what caufeth them. 0.3 a. And they that fay; that yet God isnot the Author offin, becaufe he is louder no Law, do but sport with dreadful things. And they mean that God is the chiefCarafe of all mens fins in the world, but not ofanyfin of his own; Which is none of the queftion. a. 32. God doth neither Carafe the fin, nor the futurity or exiflenceof it, as fome vainly diflinguifhing, maintain: ( efpecially Dr. Twif fe and Rutherford.) For ( as Eflius and others truly fay) to carafe the fin, is nothing but to caufe the exiftence of it. And fin as fin, Dr. Twi f fe often faith, is not willed by the finner himfelf. 33. So far asGodcaufethnot fin, he wilfefhit not : and they that fay thathe Leveth and willeth the exence ofit asa means tohisglory, abufe Gods Holinefs, and are confuted before, Par. t. 0.34. HowGod overruleth (inners, and the effects offin, addprocureth his own ends, not by the Means or Caufadity, bit Occafton of it, I have fa largely there opened, that I milli refer the Reader thither. Which made the wór thy Bithop .usher, dye with thefe words, as sis tali, [But Lord, in fpedal forgive my fins of omifflon, SECT; 1 aradwardrne dea1etii more plainl}yy and mak, eth Gods e$ettuàl Voli. tion to be the total im- mediate caule that mar! finneth, though it be no tip in God to do foi and faith that God wil- leth it for good tiles, (as the finir dolls, or ifhe do not, itis becaufe God makethhim unavoidablk do otherwife.)