Of god's gracious Operations on Man'sSoul : SECT. XX. Slowfar God, and bowfar Manhimfelf, is the caufe ofHell and other pii- ni[bments. o Majorin.inquid.;o. Hough fomewhat be faid of this, in the Conclufion of the fecond fol. 28p. q. t. intuit con- , cl. 3. I Sive alias damna- Parc, I thinkmeet to fay morehere, becaufe I find that the not un- rorumddzcanrur mall, "/-. derfandinó itdoth. tempt many to unbelief, and others to hard repining pa' vet peccata, non pati- b entur atiquam poenam in-. difaffelted atheiftical thoughts of God. Attars ratio'ne iltorùm *, r., Againhere confider that God mademan. fuch as he is in Nature jtato merenaa non meren before either Laws or fins or punifhments had any being ; fo that if you di] fed addit [Signanter canbut forgive God for making you men; (that is, Rational Free-Agents) ere psnainRiaa 1°76 qua' can have no fair pretence of quarrel with him : As will appear by ). hculpadiftinguitur,erejua Q QQ efi reordinati,a per cm-, conuderationsfollowing. ciarum. De plena mienaíia J.,, z. Mans Body and fenfitive foul are of fuch a nature, as that things non og po bile dare col-' Y > pamquin foam panan ha- inconvenient will be hispain : He that will take poifon (hall be griped beat annexam, eo mods quo. and tormentedbyit, andhe that will eat unwholfomemeat, or will forfeit demt t Jubeere.] rafetn u- mall be fick, and he that will cherith difeafes by floth, or excelfes, or abides tie, eft puny dmiféria of nature, will.havethe pain of them ; And he that will woiend himfelf, eonttnaatio. Nee mibipro- or break his bones will be his own a i er And he that cuts his throat babite eidetic, pod De- /J > reerendi ratio ceJat apul or hangeth himfelf, muff dye. And all this without any doing of God, be- , ie.feros : Premium guidon fides themaking him a man, and continuing filch a nature underhis Go- eared non poffunt; At g quare non Psnam tome-_vernment) in andwith theworld. . reti font wand ? Nonce . 3 Not only pofitivehurting, but omt lons will bring mens bodies unto gpfbsdc mnóntefsp) bde iti b erqim pain and 'death ; As not eating, net exercifang, not keeping warm, &c. .dam Lege ? Odeeque pee And confequently fuch a life of prodigality or floth as tendeth to fuch candi edhuc oapaces? (r wants. . mine omne peccatum fuâ natal seretar punam ? fi. g. The in}vard fenfes, Imagination and Paffions are fo eonitituted as refits fciittetfob' Major,), that their inconveniences will be apain and torment, as well as the incon- ibili. condor. r. ter, veniences of the outward fenfes. i. Cares and Melancholy thoughts are [Damvatibabextmultnsma- ,f f alias ininferno liberé.] diffracting. a.- Defres breed fuch care, and are themfelveslike a thirfl or i m tabatir o Btdam>;da; hunger to the foul, ,..Fearsare tormenting. 4. Sorrows if deepand long are qua ibidem fequuntur ,. as alivingdeath. is a vexatiousfeaver ofthemind: And revenge- pbi eonetudit [ ataque foal malice and envy do prolong it. 6..Defpair.anticipatetla eternityof teneo fi daretur viro optio, velum off, eel cffein pe:- mifery, &c. 7. And Love itfelf (how pleating foever at firft) is the petua :gamma, quad .boot' ftrengthof them all. patter vet atrernrrnm, eu- The u eriour faculties, as .they are more noble are capable of gendum eli non e¡fe: Nam S ' f p J > Y , Q minus malum babee ratio- greater nitEery ; and, their corruption and diforder is the worft. Tohave nom boni. 3 an ignorant erring mind that taketh evil for good, and good for evil ; To See. Aurealus in 2. d. gt. o > a. z. peg. age: mewing havea carnal, malignant, wicked, obfiinate, froward. Will and. frnful Affe- . ten wayes how one fin cirons, and by there to have,mens aoi1ions mifguided, and fo the fen/itive caufethanother, and Co- muhiplyeth and coati- foul it felt brought into the forefaid mifery, through badgovernment, is meth it relf in the amifery toman in theNature, and immediate effec`}s ofthething. wicked. 1?,.,, 6. Man liveth among multitudes of fellow Creatures in the world, which will all be tormentors of .him if he will make them fuch. As a port will hurt him if heknock his head to it. The fire will burn him if he touch his flefh with it. The water will drown him if he will leap into it over-head. TheSunwill fcorch him, the froft will pain him, if he ex- pofe himfelf to them. A Lyon or Mafliff will tearhim if heavoid them clot. 'His neighbourswill hurt him, (likely) if he hurt them, and crois their intereft : Men in power will hurt him if he offend them : And all dings will be to him as he behaveth himfelf to them. ,7. All