Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of god'sgracious Operations on Man's Soul: tcg.EradcvaraineL t.c. , Were it not a mifery to have a nature diftruftful of all ou t eur rr ft t.cor.3!., contra e (tens friends : afraidof poifon in all - that we eat and drink, and 1till thin dicenns amnia both & king malts equaliter evenire; that our own parents feek our death ? Howmuch more to have adiftruft- malumaliquod impunitum, fulnefs of God t vel bonum aliquod irremu- gneraturn moaner divine fin- - 4. Were it not a mifery to be deceived with a thoufand errours, and to ì q 9 P takeevil for good, and good for evil : and to fpend ones dayes in bewil- ate & mifericordiæ inß- mite nufquamcongruere pie- dring perplexities or falte conceits r Howmuch more to be miftaken about hire quodcunq; debit.», God, and things ofgreateft excellencyand coafequence ,fed totum Temper dimittere mifericorditer impunztum. 5 Were it not amifery to have a will that is perverfely fet again(} the Nonni (inquit) omnie pee- wills of all our Governours and deareft friends e That mutt needs have and cans en ipfo fit malus ér do whatfoever is forbidden us by the greateft, wifeft and belt ofmen > eulpabilir, net pejor,-8tc. amittitgSpriftinam liberta- Howmuch more, tohave awill that is thus let againft thewill of God? tom erinnocentiam en. fit 6. It isa mifery to have aviolent Appetite after that which cannot be Deoedi? es.ion r¢bonicr had, or cannot fatisfie. Tohave vehementhunger and thirftwithout meat ab ¢o ? es. nonne bon eft pg.aunde:da magna or drink, e-c. Wicked men have fuch a difeafed appetite after things idr un a hoc nife .1 prima that God told them would neither be fatisfaetory nor continuing. All nf aria, á primo retribu- tore omniumqui eft Deus ? this and more is in fin it felf, in the Habits or Nature, which God ne- See an his Coro[. 38,39. ver made. Lego Janfen. Auguft. de fiat.pus. nat. I. c. 2. p. Y3. Y. 12. The exercife of this difeafed vitiated Inclination, is an ai tual 358. uod peccatum non torment : As it is moreJoyful to life Grace, than meerly to Have it ; fo is pill don Mari á Deo : eq. y c. 3. ÿuanamfint iltnpæ it as to fin more calamitous. And I. Mens wilful blindnefs and negleft na qua tam arai cumper- of God, depriveth themof all the excellency anddelights of holy know- cato coherent. Et c. 4. ledge. . lied peccator in peccato g manens non poteft beats 2. Their Difaffeftion and malignity depriveth them of all that holy e ri. ubi etiam Align- Joy, and unvaluable fweetnefs, which cometh in by the exercife of the tint f um de "Pe vi- Love of God ; Andof all thepleafures of a holy life. As a rick flomach doth loath a feaft, and a maliciotís man hath not the pleafuresoffriendthip: fo howcan that foul delight in Godthat Loveth himnot 3. Unbeliefand diliruft deprive the foul of all that quietnefs and con- tent, which followethfaith andconfidence in God. 4. ARebellious will doth lofe all that Refi which the obedient find in pleating God, and in hisbleffed will. 5. Luxuryand carnality and all fin deprive the foul of thepleafuresof temperance, chaftity, innocency, and agood andquiet confcience. 6. Wickednefsand flothdeprive the foul of thepleafure of doinggood to others, by works of charity, which is very great. Abundance fuch privations ate in fin. . 13. And fin it felt brings the contrary torments. I. Sinful maligni- ty againft God and Good men maketh the wicked eat their flefh as itwere with envy, and vex themfelves with perfecution and revenge. 2. Sinful anger is a finners rage andpain : And though he have plea- fur¢ in revenge, it is a painful pleafure, likea troublefome itch. 3. self- willednef maketha man continual vexation anddifappointment, while he muff needs have that which he cannot have, or which will tor- ment him when hebath it. 4. Carnal Love is the root of mifery, while it Tantalizeth the foul, or longeth for its own vexation. 5. Sinful fearis a tormenting diftraûion. 6. Sinful grief isa continual ficknefs and felt-vexation. 7. Sinful Deliires engage men in felf affliétinglabours. 8. Sinful cares areas thorns in amans heart. 9. Sinful Impatienceanddifcontent istorment it (elf. to. Sinful, confufed,unruly thoughts,are the annoyance and the flume of