And the SNb-operations ofMan's Will. of che.foul. Andall there are mensown fins, not Caufed by God, but by themfelves. 0.14. Next Sin it Pelf; there is the natural conféquent of it, which is caufed by the finner himfelf. As 1. That Goddoth not complacentiallyLove . him: which is no change in God, whole Nature is to Love Good and Hate Evil; but in the finner himfelf; who hath made himfelf ianca- pable. 2. And that Gods Hatred is terminated on the fnner, is his own do= ing : Even as he that would open his naked breaft to the fcorching Sun, or cold Proft, is hurt by himfelf. WhenGodhateth a firmer and delighteth in a Saint, there is no Diverfity in Him, but in Them. 3. The lofs of Right to Heaven and all Gods 1pecial benefits, is their, own work, and not by any change inGod. God made a Deed of Gift of Heaven to the faithful : And if they beunfaithful, it is their own doing to raft awayor refufe thatright. 4. Abundanceof temporal mercies mens fins call away. For . $.15. Sin Both here torment even mens bodies. The flothful and the prodigal_bring want upon themfelves: The glutton, drunkard, fornicator, and the idle, breed painful difeafes in their ownÍlefh: And . molt men dye by fome finfully contracted maladies, Bod16. Betides the Natural confequents,>and the natural effeels on the y, there are natural calamitouseffe/is offin on the foul ; As 1. The . confcioufneßóf a mans fin, called An evil Confcience. 2. The fhame that arifeth from the guilt. 3. The Confcience and fenfe of Gods difpleafure (atormenting thing. ) 4. Sadnefs for our folly in hurting our felves. 5. Andfear of all the after miferies. All hithertomentioned, men do themfelvesagainft themfelves. t fì.17. Yea more, men themfelves make other men their tormentors: The angry fir up others to hurt them. Theoffenders fir up Magiftrates to punifh them. The fornicator choofeth afilthy difeafe under thename of a pleafure, andkindleth a putrid fevor in his own foul, The covetous and unjuft make all mentheir enemies and fo do many of the proud, tyran nical and oppreffours. The frowardwill not give themfelves cell in their own families; but makeWives, Husbands, Children, Servants, and every thing tobe their own vexation. And O what work da bloody Tyrants by wars and perfecutionmake to themfelves and others in the world e and what Calamities doth miferable mankind bring, by folly and wickednefs, on themfelves ? 0. t8. In a word, (hallwe not believe that there is a Hell; and know much of the natureof it ; when we fee a Hell already begun onearth and the whole world walloweth in folly, filth, impiety, and woe t As Heaven is known here by its firft-fruits of the fpirit, fo Hell may be ( Í think) more known by its beginning, as more notorious. Men are almoft Devils already: conceive them but all turnedfully into Devils by them- felves (and notby God) and you will knowmuch of Hell. (). 19. And for the Lifetocome, confider, that God made mans feu! Ím mortal before manmade it fnful : And whocan expert that God Ihould a1- ter or deftroy hiswork : Live we mull, becaufe we have Immortal fouls. And mutt not men look to Liveas they are e Such then asthe wicked make themfelves, no wonder if theycontinue. It). so. And then exceeding wickednefs will make them Devils; and all that they here initially brought on themfelves; will be there in eminency. Their Minds will beblindas to Good and Evil, though not as to meer no- Ic kkk tiona