Ofgod's gracious Operations on Man's Soul: tional Truth. Their willslet againft Gods. will. Their hatred of God and goodnefs increafed : Their Intelle6ts, memories and thoughts, will be the treafury of pain ; Their wills andaffeétions the feat of mile.y s And their invigoratedpower, willmake all lively. O. z t . Andamind thus blindedcannotfee God ad Good, but onlyas hurt- ful by 7uftice.: Awillthat hathno Love to God and holinefs, can take no delight in them. Heaven mull be to them as a feaft to afick flomach : They turn their own Hearts from God and Heaven, and deprive them- felves of all'itsjoyes. They hate the Heavenly fociety ; and fo can be none of their:companions in delight. They deprive themfelves of Irmo- cency, of Divine Love, of theGraceof theHoly Ghoft, ofpart in. Chrift, of peace of Confcience, by wilful diverfion, oppofition and incapacity, as he that (huts his Windows againft the Sun-light. It is themfelves that turn themfelves thus out of Heaven. zz. And it will be their own Lufts that will tantalize or torment them. -For God did let them know that this worldand its pleafure muff Coon forfake them :: They cannotexpe& that Godfhould give them wealth, meat, drink, and carnal pleafures, after this life : If they will needs contract a fiefhly thirft, .God is not bound to follow them with fatisfaétion. p. z3. Even their malignity ( like Satans) will betheir torment, filling them with envy'at the felicity of the Saints, or hatred of their holinefs. Andwhen wearein Heaven, Devils and devili(h men will be in fubjeltion to the Saints, fo low and bate aswill encreafe their rage. 24. It is likely that their very natureor fubflance willbe much more bate than that.of the Glorified,as their place: and condition will be : For God is not bound to makethemNaturallyGlorious. Devils dwell in the aireandearth: And inhabitantsufe tobe connatural to. theirRegions and ,Elements. However, it is a groundlefs fancyof too many that think that the fen- fitive faculties (hall ceafe. The Organs and manner or forts of fenfation may bealtered: But thefoul will be ftill fenfitive aswell as rational (not- withftanding their vaindbjeétion aboutbruits.) And therefore the con- dition they put themfelvesinto, will as neceffarily give them fenfable tor- ment, aspoyfon will in the-ftomach, and asdefpairingmen now torment and make away themfelves: 0.25. At leaft when they have bodies, theywill have fence ?o. 26. Devils aridwicked menwith them, will objeétively tormentthem: fir. 27. I deny notbutbefdes all thefe there may be punifhments more efficiently from God. But all this alone, which finners not only Deferve 'but Infliáiupon themfelves, will makeaHell of unfpeákable mifery.. The