Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

And the Sub-operations ofMan's Call, Tire Conclufion, Summing.up the fcwral wayesof the Contenders. Shall conclude with a further Explication, T. What theJudgement of the Pròtenants was in the Synod of Dart about the nature of Grace ( befides what I have cited of theirs before.) x: Ifhail give you fome Animadverfions o the Epilogue of Alvarez, 3. And of the Jefuites way óf Scientia ,Media: 4. And óf Aureoltee and Daran- dus's way: 5. And of the Scotifts and Nominals caufä Partialis : 6. I (hall fullyer give you the fumm and ConCedaries of the Dominican Pre- determination, and the reafons which alienateme from their way. 7. I (hall Epitomize Tanfenias, withCome Animadverfions on his way : 8. And fumm up in fewwords what foberminds may reft in. t). r. A ND that you may fee how little difference there is even in this point of Effeaual Grace, whereall the difference feeneth to be founded, I. See what the Brittifh Divines fay in the Synod ofDort; de art. 3.6- 4. fuffrag. p. t24. «Tb. r. Thereare certain outward works, «ordinarily requiredof men, before they are brought to the, fiate of Re- " generation or Converfion, which ufe to be fömetnne freely done by them, cc and fometime freely omitted as to go toChurch, to hear the Preaching «of the Word, and filch like. " rh. a. Thereare certain inward effe ls, which are excited inthe hearts A8. ft _ «of thofe that arenot yet juftiñed, previous toConverfion and Regenera- " don, by thevirtue of the word and fpirit : fuchas are, the knowledgeof «Gods will, the fenfeof fin, the fearof punifhment, the thoughts ofde- <liverance, fome hope, of pardon. To the flaw of Jutlificaton "Gods grace ufeth not to bringmen by fudden Enthufiafm, but prepared 'r and fitted (or difpofed) by many previous adings by the Miniftry of Cor.4. , 5, « the word. As in natural Generation there are many previous difpofi -. « [ions before the receptionof the form ; fo in the fpiritual we come to «the fpiritual birth by many foregoing aEtings of Grace. If God would <itymediatelyRegenerate andJuttifie a wickedman, not prepared by. any knowledge, any forrow, any defire, any hopeof pardon, there were no «need of the Miniflryof man and the Word Preached todo it---- I u "Th. 3. Those that God thus affedeth by his fpirit by means of the Word, themhe truly and ferioufly calleth andinviteth to faith and con- "verfion. We muff judge of the helps of Grace by the nature of the of- " feted benefit and by Gods plain word, and not by the abufe and event. c"Seeing the Gofpel of itsown nature calleth men to Repentance and Sal- s tor. s. zo. 2 Cdr. 6. s4 ration, feeing the excitementsof grace tend to it, we muffnot think that Gal. r. 6. Rev. 3.2. te God here doth any thing ditfemblingly Nor can it be imagined "that that calling by the word and fpirit can makemen unexcufeable, which « is given only to that end®o makethemunexcufeable --- "rb. 4. Thofe whom he thus affedeth, God forfaketh not, nor ceafeth . «topromote them in the true way to converfion, before he is forfaken by «them, by voluntary negleí,t, or the repnlfe of this initial grace. The "talent of grace once given menof God, is not taken away from any man, Mar,25: 23, artill he bury it by his own fault. Therefore we are oft warned in K k kk z ,'c Scripture, Rom. 10. 14. Mat. 6.2e, Ä8.13.46. Pfa. 55. g.