Of god's gracious Operations on Man's Spcl! : z Thus Rradwardinecon - cludeth his Book with thirty fix errors, and as many verities, which he would have theChurch, efpecially that of Rome, determine. But leaving out the moli unfavoury parts or expre (ions of his own judgement , Whether God be the chief nece(fitatingCaufe of all fin, is none of them. 4 II. Alvarez his Epitome inTwenty Propofitions, confidered. BUt that all this may more plainly appear, I will recite theTwenty Conclufions, whichAlváriz in his Fpilogus giveth us as the fumm of all hisBook ( one hundred twenty one. Dtfputations: ) And I fhall tell you how far they are all to be confented to. I. Free-will in lapfed nature cannot without the help ofgrace do amo- ral work, which by co-operation of the fupernatural End ¡ball be truly good, and awork ofvirtue5 fo as that by the doer it be referred to God beloved ftmply above all, as to the ultimate naturalEnd. Anfw. It isgranted, ( and more) that though all natural men have one fort of Grace given them, yet, I think, thu cannot be donewithout fpecialfaving grace. I I. Man by the foieflrength ofnature cannot agent to all fupernatu- ral myfleries propounded and explained to him, as revealed ofGod, or be- caufe revealedof God fa as theformal reafon of his belief is Divine re- velation. Anfw. It'strue : He muff havecommoner grace to believe them dogma= tically and unefttually; and fpecial favinggrace to believe thempralti -, tally and favingly. III. Not only faith it felf, but alfo the rft beginning offaith pru- ceedeth from the help of grace, and not from the ftrength of Nature only. An/w. Very true. IV. The free-will ofman in lapfedNature cannot without the help of Grace Love God above all limply, even as he is the author ofNature. Anfw. It's true. V. Man in lapfed Nature without the help ofGrace, cannot fulfill 4 the precepts even of the Law ofNature, nor overcome any great dilfcul- ty and temptation, even for any little time, which it is neeeffary to overcome, for the keeping ofthat Law. Anfw. True : Therefore they have fame Grace that daft. V I. There is no Law , nor ever was made by God, of his giving the aftual helps ofpreventing grace, to them that do all that is in them, by the foie faculty ofnature : nor bath Chrq merited or would have any. flab Law. Anfw. True : For he giveth force common grace to all men antece- dently, without any condition on their part: And thoughhe give to thofe that tire their common grace to the utmoft (or near it ) fufficient en- couragement to go on and hope that fuch endeavour (hall not be invain as to the obtaining ofpeculiargrace, yet de nominevel definition, Whe- ther this encouragement (hall be called a Law, or aPromife, orneither, we contend not. V I T. God by his helping grace floweth into free-will bypremoving it that it may co- operate and alfa truly-efficiently together with the fame free-will canfeth itspious operation. An/m. It's true : But all adjuvant grace produceth not the fecond ef- felt, which floweth from both Caufes, (ofwhich before and after.) V III. when Godby his exciting Grace, ftriketh and toucheth the hearts ofmen, he doth not expea that the will by its innate liberty, begin its motion,