Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

And the Sub-operations of Man's Will. Bold l to that, and contradict not the terms in yourdefcription, and all's well. X V. The effectual help of preventing ör. preoperating grace moveth mans free-will to aft, not only by perfwading, alluring, inviting, orother morally áttraíting,even inwardly; but alp efcacioufyand trulytleit- 'trio, that the will moved and excited of God determine it felfand acl well. Anfw. We know what mans perfwading and moral operations are (a little) : But thedifference between thefe interiour alts of God named by you no man knoweth. You cannot prove that his Interiour fwa(ion is not truly efficient of the aft : nor know you how God procureth our de- termination, as to themodeofhis interiour operation. Your arbitrarynames' have no fignification of yo*true formal conceptions ofthematter. This Controverfìe therefore is vain. XV I. The efficacy of the help ofpreventing grace, and the irifalliblé connexionof it with the free co-operation òf the will, is totally founded and taken as from its firft root, from the Omnipt tency ofGod, andfrom the abfolute and efficacious decree of his will, willing that the manwhom he moveth be converted andwork piougy : nor doth this efficacy any way depend, no not as on a condition. finequa non ,- an the future co-operati- on of the created will ; though the freeail by which men perfevrerethde- pend effeelively on his will moved by God. Anfw: r. I grant that all the good that cometh to pars is fore-de- creed by God. z. But Gods meer will effedeth it not without his Power: 3. His power effecteth it not from eternity before it is effetl:ed. 4. You leave out one of the caufalAttributes ; Theeffect of Grace is as well from thewifdornofGod, as from his will and Porter. 5. Gods aft dependeth not on mans with But mans co-operationwhich is his own aft, youmuff confefs dependeth on his- will as the effe l on the neareft efficient. 6. The non efficiency of fufficient Grace dependeth on the (inners will. It was not meerly nor principally from an abfolute efficacious Decree or pre- determination ofGod, that Adams will omitted his duty firft, or commit- ted fin firff. And if any run to the common (hallow that fin bath ná eficient Gaffe, andman only is deficient, I anfwer r: He is the firffRepa- tative Deficient ( though not culpable, becaufe under no Law) who muff be the firff efficient of the contrary and is nit: As if Adams body hadne- verhad. a foul, God was the firft Non efficient Caufe, that is ,. intowhore will and non agency the whole ratio defecîus is to be refolved. 2. Forget not that Alvarez himfelf faith, lib. 6. difp. 45. p. z i o. [ "Licet pecca- `tam originale non fit pro formali aliyuid paftivaon fed privativem "peccatum tamer attuale eft pro formali aliquidpofätivum, r caufat in "anima habitumvitii ] XV I I. suppofing effellual Grace in free-will, it infallibly followetb ; that free-will will conferee andaitpiou/ly: fo that thefe two are incompof. fable, that effeitualGrace be in a man, and that he actually diffent. Anfw. True, becaufe it is not called properly effeduah unlefs either r.,Becaufe'it effeileth, z. Or as it cometh from an abfolute decreeofef- fecting, 3. Or is of lush a nature and degree that it cannot but effei. And in all there cafes it is true. But fuch Grace may be eventually unefeullrïal, which had a fulciency rx parte frei to Tea. XVIII. Thegift of perfeverance, as frith, and the efficacy of ii, dependeth not, no not as on a Condition fine qua non, on the co-opera- L 111 tioü 73