74 Ofgod's Gracious Operations on Man's Soul : tion of our free-will, but on the a folute decree of God , efe¿ling mans perfeverance, Anfw. This needeth no Other explication or obfervation, but as afore- ftid. Only that theYua adgratiam quâ ad finem perfeveremua,isgiven on condition, in the Gofpel , from how abfolute a decree fever it proceed. X I X. Efelival aid and a Power of diffenting , are compoffible in the fame fubjeä, and confll in the fàme will. Anfw. True: And remember that a truePower is that quâ veré poffu mees; and not that faculty which could do this or that ifGod willprede, termine it, and otherwife cannot; no more than the Sun canthine with-. out him. WhenGod withholdeth the Influx neceffsry to abion , fucha faculty is no truepower as to that a&ion in ttitfçState. X .X. By preventing Grace efficacious as dforefaid, the Liberty of the will is not deflroyed, nor the allmal life of it hindered, but is wonderfully perfelted and roborated. Free-will in name is "infra. There is a Liberty that is erfeéted by fome even nece atatin owned by you ál1 :Ifay .f p ff g as Aagaft.Encbir. c. 105. predetermination of God : And there is an inferiour Liberty of Imper- Sic epurtebat prias bony- fed Viators, which fume efficient Divine predetermination (feigned by men fieri ut & bene velle puffey ♂ nee gratis you) would deftroy. And ifGoddid by that infuperable premoving in- fi bene , net impone f flux ( which omnipotently mooeth all things) predetermine all men and male: poftea x non tic rr,t Devils to all the wicked Volitions and aE1ions that ever were done with ut male velie n past. > Quia' ordo protermitten- all the circumftances, and as refpeding every obje& comparatively, fo dos non foie, in quo Deus that no creature ever did nor can ielìft fuch a predetermination any ea- ns/nit ejiendere, quam be- nun: lit animal rationale, tier than make a World,, this were to defirey the true Liberty of that Tod etiam peccare pout ; Creature, with his innocency and felicity : however you may at pleafure mnss gaa fit mellas gaol put name ofLiberty on, and deny the name of Nece it to fuch an peccare non post. ß y r ff y abfolutely neceffitated Volition and ad ; and then may fay, that they are premoved and predetermined to do theAft of all fin freely f or conftrain- ed to do it,without .conftrainr,) and fo the liberty of the will is efta- blifhed. Fcr I.fee not but cogere adVolendum isas apt a phrafe, ascoge- re nolentem ad agendum ; when a will formerly innocent is irrefiftibly predetermined by pbyfcal efficiency; to all thole comparate circumflan- tiate alts, which are forbidden in Gods Law, and that on pain of mans damnation. But note how wifely Alvarez left out the great difference, about pre- determining to the as of fin, from this fummaryof his difputations.