Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

And the Sub-operations ofMan's Will. % 5. t). of the three other wayes and I. Of the JeCuits way. Qeft A S you have pfl your judgement on Alvarez and his Domini- can way, tell as how much you think well or ill of in the other three wayes mentioned by Alvarez, and recited by you feet. 8 Anfw. I. I, have Paid enough before to anfwer this: Briefly, as to the yefuits way de fcientia media, t. It is certain, that God knoweth all that is a capable objet of knowledge: And thereforehe knoweth what con- ditional propofitions of future contingents are true. z. Whether this lhould be called fcientia media or not , is a vain queftion. 3. Gods acts ex parte fui being but his Éflênce, and all ane, can no otherwife be diftinguifhed, nor ordered as to the denominationsof priori- ty or pofleriority, than as the objects are diftinli , and by their order of priority and pofteriority allow us by. Connotation fo to denominate the acts. ç.. The Intelligibility and the Amabilitÿ of things are in themfelves fi- multaneoús; though from the order_of humane operations, we fay that things are firft Intelligible, before they are Ámiable. And fo we may fay of God after the manner ofmen ; but not otherwife. 5. God doth not will the form, or the all offin as circúmflantiated, and as the form neceffarily refulteth from it: neither for it felf, norproper aliud ; the eflènce or exiftence. 6. Therefore God Bothnotforeknow fin as willed and decreed by him nor therefore foreknow it becaufe he willeth it. 7. God fore knoweth (or knoweth) the formale peccati as well as the materiale yet almoft all confefs, that he willeth not the formale Therefore he knoweth that which he willeth not: Therefore his Volition of it isnot neceflàry to his knowledge of ir. 8. There is no effel i» God: for all that is in God is God ; who is not effected : Therefore there is no Caufe in. God of any thing inGod': -Therefore. Gods will or decree of Good is not the caule that he foreknow- eth it, nor his foreknowledge the caufe that he willeth it But he both knoweth and willeth all that isGood; at once. 9. Gods inward operations on the foul are real efficiencies, and yet moral, and to usunfearchable : They caule the will to determine it fell to Good,' when it doth fo; but how we know not. But we know that he ordinarily worketh by means, and according to their aptitude. ro. God ufeth fuch means with the free wills of his elect as he fore- knoweth will prevail with them ; and fetteth them in fuch circumftances as he foreknoweth they will Neely all aright in : But his inward grace' is the principal or chief caule: And he doth not will or decree to give them fuch means and circumftances, becaufe heforeknoweeh they will pre-, vail. That is, Gods will and decree as in him hath no caufe. r t. Rut the word[ becau f J is inScripture applyed fometimes to Gods Love or hatred, and fometimes to his outward acts : (as John 16. 27. The Father loveth you, becaufe ye have loved me and believed -) And in the firft café thatwhich is meant, is, that the qualification ofthe objeFt is the material conflitütive caufe of the ad of God, (notas it isHimfelf, but) as relatively denominated ab extra from the objeci in fpecie vel 1.111 a itídiviá Vsrgosgin t.71a.. q. sq. 4. pg. c. 6, 7. after the rejcthon of many opi,. riono holds this sie-s only. way of Concord. r. God! preventing ope, rating grace is ocatib tangyfia with good cogi- tations, and the pe'oss Motor voluntatis ante a- ítVII libarnm. z. Gods co-operating Grac ad confenfurn. 'Unman ibnei- ther before nor after our aft, but concomitant & fimol. And fo confetti nóantecedent nece(hty, bur concomitant ( ex!, pale.) 3. This fop- pofeth Gods Scientia jo- tnri canditieoalie. AgainfO this Dr. Twifle bath fold much in a peculiar Di-. greffion. And furely God everr, operateth as God, which is ut caufa prima. But how far he detennïuetl is the doubt.