Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

* 'Yet none of the frets of their differences lyeth on this ; And the Jefuits with the ten aliena Po- litive Volition de peccato permittendo without proof: which Ileave to mens various opinions. Ofgod'sgracious Operationson Man's Soul: individuo. And in the fecond cafe, It meaneth, that the effects ofGod ad extra called his tranfient acts as in paffo, have their proper fifes, and we our commanded ends in nfing them : And fo Cod is laid CO fend Mi- nifters, e.g. becaufe he would fave the hearers; that i5, the Miniftry is a caufe of mens falvation. nz. From all this it appeareth, that they err who think that their fci- entia media is equally ufeful in the points of Election and of Reprobation, and that they run pari paffu. For all Good is both willed and known, and fo Election fuppofeth not the forefight of our faith or obedience as caufal or antecedent, (if wefpeak of that .:Aét of Eleétion which is to faith and obedience.) But Evil is foreknown and not willed at all: And therefore there is no fuckReprobation which is a will or decree that men (hall fin : And the non-impedition of fin being no def, needeth nopoRive aCt of will or decree*. But Reprobation which is the decree of damning, ever fuppofeth the objedt tobe aforefeen-finner ftnalFy rejecting grace. The nett about thisis fpoken to fufficiently before. * No doubt but God is quoad prafention Imme- d iate in all his efficien- cy, and as Near to the effea, as if he ufed no fecond caufe : But yet he is not fo immediate as to exclude fecond attles, as media : And while he niceSt them, he operateth-on us accord- ing to their kind ofope- rations, even as if they were between him and the effeet. And this is the fenfeof Mirandaand à Dota, and eafily recon- çileth all. Amyraldus de lib. Artie. c. 4. concurreth with Durandue. It is conf derable that all confefs, that if Draa- das's way did hold, it eafly ended all the con- troverfe. As Lad. le Blank ndteth Tief. 3. Coniasf fixta has dañar calla elf dicultas in con ciliando divina concur. ern libertaré, ere. And this way ¡sus conffteo with Gods certain dill po:àl of events as pre determination it 'lelf. IV. I I. of Durandus's way. I I. ,` S to the way of Aureolas, Durandus, Ludov. á Dola, &c. I con- ceive it is commonly rejefted, becaufe not underftood, or becaufe the wording of it foundeth digracefully ; But it is a great matter that all confers how eafily it would end all thefe controverfies, were it true. And by Lud. kDelis Explication , and what capreolus faith ofAureoles, I conceive that they are commonly miftaken. Durandus thinketh, that to the motion of theCreature it is neceffary t. That God by his continued influx continue the being and the naturè and properties of the agent ; a. And that he continue all the circumftant creatures, concaufes and ob- jefts and the media of aétion; 3. And that no powerful impedimenthinder the action. Now, fay the 7efuits and Dominicans and the reff, GodBoth moreover concurr as the .firft saute to thè Act it felf, by an Immediate efficient Influx, befides that by which he upholdeth the Power and fecond caufes. But I think that Durandus meaneth as much as they: that is, that God doth not only uphold the creature in its meer effe, but in its Nature, which is its Mobility, and - its principiummotus ; And this Nature -is not only a Power to Action, but alto an Inclined Power. So that 'for God by confiant Influx to continue a Natural Power and Inclination to AFtion or motion, with all neceffary concurrents, without impediments, is truly by his Influx to concurr to the motion as thefirfi Caufe ; whilehis Influx is not only as to Being, but as to theMotive force, and inclination: And no more than this doth feem to me to be frmply neceffary to motion. de Here the Reader mutt know, that the Controverfie is equally of Natu- es rai and Free agents and aétion. And firft let us . enquire of natural fe aCion. I. Fire is an Active nature , as much inclined to Action as Earth to t non-aFtion or rat. Yea, its hove Virtue and Inclination is its very Eftntial Form, and this as to a threefold aftion, viz. Motion, Light and Heat.