eind the SttG=operati(ais ofMan's Will: 8r I fuppofe the Reader to be acquainted with their own wards; and to have their Books at hand. I. Their fundamental Principle is , that "lt is naturally impofsible cc for any agent Natural or free to do any stir or vary any, comparative- " ly orcircoamflantially, but by the immediate Phyfical efficient adequate "predeterminingPremotion of Gods Omnipotency; as the firft camp ; be- "fides his influx by which he fuftaineth their natures and concaufer; " and affordeth them his general Concurfe or premotion to the alt as an "aEl in genere only. And.it is impoible for any Agent fopredetermi- "lied by phyfical premotion, not to .cl' in all the circumftancer that it is ce tmoved to 4,1 ía. e' II. To fay that any creature can ad without thisphyfical predeter- " mination to all the cireumflances, or can forbear to ad when fo pre- "determined, is by confequence to fay, that fuch a creature, is God, the "' firji caufe. For it is as impofÌible, as to be God; or to make à "world. "III. Yea, the creature that will forbear anyad which God fopre- " determineth him to, muff be fironger than God and overcome him, or ee do eontradic`tions. "I V. And if God had not decreed fo to predetermine by phyfical ef- ae ficient premotion, he could not have known any future alts. No, " though with Scotus we fay, that he willed all tholeAds antecedently to "his prefcience, it would not ferve, unlefs he willed fo to predetermine "the agent in canting them. "V. Yet we will fay, that the will is free : but we mean only that « to will and to willfreely are words of the fame fenfe. For a man "is Paid to will freely in that he willeth,, and his willing is not a "Nilling. "V h Free-will then is nothing but Facultas Voluntat e b rattoriÿi ad utrumlibet agendoom vel non agendum b ad agendum unnm vel alte- ram : fed tantum 'rout á prima califs phyfice pradeterminatur: That "is, it is fuch a faculty as God can predetermine to ad which way he "will, by making it will: yet its Indifferency is not only objelive or CC paffive, but alloAltive, becaufe it is an Active Power of thewill which È` God predetermineth: God predetermineth the will to determine "it felt. "VII. Wewill call this the wills Power, but .ii is but hypi hetically éc a Power, viz. It can ad ifGod phyfically predetermine it : elfe not at "all. As the Wheels of the Clockcan move ifthe Poife or Spring move them, or rather, as the hand can move, if the will and the Spirits in the "Nerves do move it. "VIII. The will is laid to be free, partly by man that it's adlve `'power is capable of being determined by God, and then byit fell ad "utrumlibet, and partly in that it is not lyable to coadion. "IX. The will that is by Omnipotent phyfical premotion efficiently "predetermined by God , is not conftrained, becaufe it willeth not un- "willingly : that is, fo far as it is willing it is not unwilling aad re- " ludant. "X. Yet the will that was one way enclined, habituated and ailed in "the precedent inftant, is oft phyfically premoved and predetermined by " Omnipotency to the contrary ad in the next inftant , which it çoald cc not refill : As he that in this inflant willeth Chaftity, may in t''.e next "inftant be predetermined by unrefiffible Omnipotency to will fornica-. °`don; or he that Loved God may be predetermined and premoved by Mn iv VI "God *At leaf that lie have read Eradwardine. and Alvaren,.and Dr. Toriffe and Rutherford: de Prov. Better faith Job. sheen tit i. feat. d. 40. art: 2. INi6t aligna futura not volt velie efficaci h fed felon: permiuive e. ëá _rejpetlu fie prodfaarum volume, di- vina éft Cuffs per Genera- rem, tribuens agenti parti- Mari facultatem agendi fit tel fie I non tamed determinar agent ad ali- quam nuque effrcienter nuit hone vet ïllam : & ifbo . Mode Voltogas divina, ejt iaufa album nojtrorum quantumeunque deformiuma Talium Wham eft tanfo determinant Velun- tas human prafuppo/ita inf/kentia generali en linde ideo pecco quia vola peccare : ltd quod alai toluntatis men-eft jam de= terminane me ad peccanZ dum. And Gab.siel14 Scotum,' it.; eft califs effettiva re- Etitndinia quod quantum eft de fe darer iliacoalni,fi voluntas cooperaretur..uni- verfaliter. ením quicquiit Deus dedit antecedenter i . daret Priam confegnenter, quantum eft ex fe ,. ft neo efjet impertimentum : Ye- hotels aktem quantum eft ex fe non dot -retii/od/nana attui. Gal. in a: d :37l A. 3. q. i. dub. r.. ltd dr Okamin a.d.46. & 38: dr. fete agog verbes Orbellis tn.2. d: 37. e'r ita Ft. Mayro a. d. 3.7 q. a. ad 4. &q2. ad 4d & q. 3. cdnc1.4.& Gregd Arim. 2. d. 37. q.a. a. 3: &d. 28. q. r.á. 3.ad arg. CI. dr alii quamplurimi. Bradinardine 1.1. c.34! p.390, Sci; ercífpeak ella too plainly to this purpofe, withHugd i. de Satr.4. part. e3.be- ing more carefiil tó make people think welt òfhis Dean vúlt malam] rhantodeny it [Non quia quoddicicur,non bene dicieur, fed quia quod bes ne dicitura non rite in telligitur.S And his mol- lificatiöri as that [ God willeth finonly fecunduni quid; for Gods relie fim- pliciter, as it's cömmon- ly taken, is toLove and approve it asgoad, and to reward it : And be: taufe theVulgar fo take it, we mute not before them fay that God mili