And the Sub-operations of Man's dill. $3 «ruff neceffàry caufe of the contrary, as exifiences and pofitives are re- your opinion to for "folved into his will and agency. And if a man cannot think a good you! are ,,agíobecthaE "thought by any help that God can give him, unlefs he phyfically prede- yon rpeak again4 the termine him to it, then the reafonwhy man Both it not is .as notorioufly i°a °eo principles u of "to be refolved into Gods not-predetermining him to it, as. the reafon gar are founder than: "why he doth it into his predetermination : and as it is night, becaufe your felf ?. 9. And much. " the Sun fhineth not, of this is becaufe you cannot how Goa pu "XVII. But at loft we can fay that God is not the caufeof fin, becaufe nilheth £n with fin, un `t he is under no prohibiting Law. Though it be true, r . That his na-' lersQte caul fin. What if by The taw of =e "ture or perfe&ion, the root of all Laws, is more than a Law : 2. And we In creation ne ordain "know indeed that this proveth himnot at all to be no caufe of the fin of that he that is a glutton c`man, but only to be no frnner himfelf though he caufe it : which is mall be lick, and that y ArCenick fhallcórrode "none of thequeftion. his bowels that eateth it, "XVIII. And from this neceffity ofpredetermination it followeth, that muelrawine Ìak nre d "all that part ofour holinefs and obedience whichconffteth in not finning, the Gout, &c. Doth he " is not at all caufed by God, e.g. thatwe hate him not, nor his truth and therefore caufe men TO U wayes and fervants, that we murder not, commit not adulter Real not, eat and dank too much? > > yo or is nafthe excels from " lye not, covet not, blafpheme not,wrong none, do no evil, ¿c. we need them ? and yet thepenal " no helpofGod for this; Becaufe if he will not move our willsby efficient iroancoded confequents lC predetermination to do them, it is impoffible for us to do them at all. -. And fuitably to all this " XIX. And though we faythat God willeth fin to be, by hi ermi wo he defineth Grace and Free-will; ou Grate of " only and not by his efficience, yet indeed predetermining by efficiency as rttnat f without which no one fin "the firft caufe, is theprincipal efficiency : And properly we mutt fay that ed) is Gods iii avoid. e " God permitteth no finat all ; For we fay that. his permiffion proveth the matt be done: (And Cö CC confequence of the thing permitted : And therefore we mutt fay that he no mancan any more do " permitteth nofin but what is done. And that which is done by commif adcñhct añ`hau hat he 'f lion pofitively he effeéteth by effecting thefundamentum; and therefore a world. And free-wad a permitteth not : And men fin by omifon becaufe .God dothnot make (ti.z.t.1.3s[Pena,: *.a- ca'ntir rationaliter judi- tliemßn, and not becaufe he meetlypermitteth it. For permiffion is czndá, & voinetame ere. " not de impoffibilibms. quendi : ] fo thnt touvill, "XX. God willeth not fin, becaufe he willeth it not itsfan, . in itsfor- age. foss/Li, is all " male : which alfo we mutt confefs that the wicked themfelves donot. moved. to every fin, 15 5, And whereas we hold that God cannot foreknow things future, á it frog!y,ihmotion " but ashewilleth or decreeththem, we mutt confers thattheformalepee- " is madewitting, TnäC 15, catias well as the materiale, was (fuch as it is )quid futurum, (ifit was liinfut. " but futura pr vatio :) And therefore this would inferr that God willed soc e [ rn o cre non- aetione ríeo eñ° creatnrær "` and decreedtheformale peccati alfo. commant, priasnaturatiter "XXII. Gods will is his Love : and what he willeth he Loveth. eft Deum non-agore quays ipfam erpiaDeus certain "XXIII. Godwilleth the futurityand eceigenceof fin, not only ofthe aaionempertreatunm non `"materiale, but the formale, even of all the fin that ever is done. agit, ideo creatures itlam son agit,&son è contra.i "XXIV. The exigence of fin is Good and .Amiable, not only by acei- sothatall ominions (ot "dent, but per fe, as being very conducible to the Glory of Gods fuflice faith, repentance, obe- "and Mercy, and therefore is per fe Willedand Loved of God, thence, etc.) are fully refolved into Gods fir "XXV. It is incomparably much more fn than Holineß which God nonagency p.611. [ tuir eG willeth, and Loveth, and by predetermination.caufeth in mankind on nefciargand Baia Deus n "on feat unum Angetum, °tram "earth : For it is much more fin than Hólineß that exifleth in man : And srettam, ccelum majzr, idea " all that exitethGod caufeth as aforefaid ( the circumftantiated act, and nagJoao runt t Itá pie- the refultancy of therelative form: And hewilleth and Loveth the qui non fit á caa¡átecan- y Ì daDeurvltnag fiert, ea, exigence of all, and the thing exiging fo far as he caufeth it. nm milt pofitive : scilicet "XXVL God willeth, Loveth and Caufefh fin incomparably more than nabet none illndfled ab ea. Práus ergo naturaláter er " wickedmen do.: For theyWilland Love it with a humane mutable de- caafatiter el? Denys galepa- "pendent will ; but God with a Divine, primary, immutable will. Man ftive, pare &nouvelle dr " caufeth the forbidden act ( whence therelation refulteth) with a Will non far,¢ a caujam fecuredam agere, quam ipfam lox Mm mm 2 " that gem] This is plain