Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

g4 dealing : All men that Love not God, and all that hate him, are fuch becaufe God will have it fo, and make them do as they do. It would Cave many tedious volumes and intricate difputes if all would fpeak as plain- ly. Butwhat is the Chrt. Wan Religion then ? Of god's Gracious Operations on Man's Soul: " that isirrefiftibly moved fo to doby God ( as the pen wrileth ; only (ua Le modo with Volition :) But God caufeth it as the frrfi omnipotent fnre- Cc Gftible caufe, of all that the Creature doth in finning. 'C XXVII. The fame muff bePaid of God and the Devil, who can no tomore commit one finful aêt,till God unavoidably prederercinehis will to CC it, by his premotion, than finful mancan. CC XXVIII. God byhis Law, Both ftriLtly forbid all thofe finful as et which heprincipallyand unavoidably caufeth : And he aridly command- "eth all thofe good alts, whofe contraries he thus caufeth us to do. "XXIX. Though there is nothing in fin which can have a caufe, of et which God isnot thePrincipal caufe and though heWilleth and Loveth Ct all that he caufeth, yet the Scripturefaith that God hateth fin, andcannot CC behold it, and hateth all the workers of iniquity, and that it is abomi- CC nation to him, thathe is as one ladenwith it, and wearied, provoked, and " offended by it. And that he Loveth the Ads of obedience and holinefs, "when he will not caufe them, but doth caufe and will thecontrary. 'CXXX. Pardon and falvationis promifed and'earneftly offered by God, 1e to the Reprobate themfelves, on condition, that they will believe and CC repent, when God Both unavoidably as the firft caufe, determine their e' wills to the contrary acts, even to disbelief and impenitent hatred ofGod CC and holinefs. CC XXXI. The Law of God is, thatall the Reprobates (hail be damned "tohell fire, if they will not believe and repent, when his omnipotence "Bothunavoidably premove and determine them to unbelief and impeni- " tence : and if they will not give over thofe ads of fin, to which God cr doth thus unavoidably move and determine them. CC XXXII. Gods executions are anfwerable to their Laws ; and all fave «Chriftians, andall profeflèdChriftians faving the fandified, are to be CC punifhed in hell fire for ever, only for not doing the acs ofFaith, Love " and obedience, when God as the firft caufe predetermined them to the "contrary; and for doing the ails of fin, when God unavoidably moved " them to it, and made them do it : fo that confequently all that are "damned, fuffer inhell, for not being Gods, even the firfifuffacient caufes "of their own ads, and for not being above Godor ftkonger than he, that " is, for not overcoming or avoiding,his invincible and unavoidable pre- " determining premotion unto evil ads. "XXXIII. The fame muft be faidof the Devils, who fin and fuffer on "the fameterms. XXXIV. What kind cif torment then willthere be in Hell ? Can Confcience torment men for doing that which they were unavoidably made to do by Omnipotency? and for nor doing that which without Di- vinepredetermination they could no more do than make a world ? or for not doing that wholecontrary they were thus predetermined to ? that is, for not overcoming God? ( when they know the cafe. ) Ormutt we not more congruoufly fay, that the flare of Hell torments lyeth in amolt vehementhatred of God for fo tiling them, and a juftifying of themfelves t Or will every mouth be thus flopt in judgement? XXXV. 9is not Divine Juftice the molt perfect Juftice? and the exemplar of all humane Juftice ( allowing b for difparities?) And (hould Kings and Judges imitate 'thisfore-defcribedcourfe e And how then would they beefteemede XXXVI. ó Is not that belt which is molt agreeable to Gods Will andLove e And therefore fin better than Holinef in all that have fin, and not