And the Sub-operations ofMan's Will. to be, as not difcerning the inconfiftency of their opinions (as I fáid.. ) L. The Religionrconfiftent with it I conceive mutt be fachas this : I.. There is a God who moveth all things by phyfical neceffitation, even mans Volitions as well as any natural aétions. a. This GodBoth all that he doth himfelf byneceffity, viz. ofperfeéti- on, not of co-a&ion : And there is no contingency in rerun; natura. 3. This God hath made his Creatures of various ranks and degrees of excellency : And manamore knowing Creature thanthe Bruits. 4. Amongmen he maketh fome wife, fame foolifh; forne good and Godly, and fomevirionsandungodly And as he maketh the difference of men andbeafts, of aHorfe and a Toad, of the Sick and the found, of Prince and people, richand poor, fo dothhe of godly and ungodly, draft and unchafte, 5. Yet manbeing Intelleétual, God will move him by means and fe- cond caufes ; and therefore bath made him Laws, obliging him de jure, and commanding his utmoft diligenceto keep them ; promifing and threat- ning Life and death hereafter for the keeping or the breaking of them and appointing Minifters andMagiftrates to perfwadeand drivehim on. 6. And it's likely though not certain that God will do according to thefe Laws, in fomeconfderable degree. 7. Man by his Nature, and by Scripture ( which may betrue) is bound to Love and fervehis God above all other, as the Caufe of all the being and good that is in the world, ( whatever he do by us,) and of all our good. 8. There isanother lifeof Reward for the good, and punifhment for the bad, which mutt be our hope and fear. 9. Gods Laws are called moral means, but Caúfe only as phyfical en- sines or tackhngs,to move mans will by the faid necefütation. io. Gods hatred of fin, is no true hatred or nolition (where fin is: ) but only his prohibiting it to us, and his punilbingmen for it. r . If God did fend Chrift and theApoftles, and Miracles, &c. itwas only to be tacklings orparts; in this engineofphyfical operations. 12. God .. caufeth andLoveth fin as much asobedience; but he maketh it not fo Good and Lovely to us, it beingour difeafe and mifery. 13. As God no otherwife hatethfin than ficknef, and fanners than the Fick, and looketh ongoodandbad but as modalphyfical differences caufed by himfelf ; fo muff wedo alfo : and hate that moti that hurteth us molt. 14. To mourn for fin, and confefs it, and ftrive againft it, or talkof Chrifts fuffering or fatisfying for it, any otherwifethan as a Voluntary di- feafe and mifery of man, or to avoid any finany otherwifethan as amifery, toour felves or others, is but the errour of fuperftitious men. 15. Men fhoulddo all that everthey can to cure their fins, and live holily,' fofar as increafechnot theirmifery, and no further ; and this only as a phy- fical Voluntary perfection, and as the avoidingof a natural mifery to them- felves and others. 16. God will punifhman, not out of any hatred of fin ( which he wil= leth and caufeth) but out of adifferencingwill, as he maketh Toads. and Serpents, and caufeth Cattle and Fowl to be killedby us, and Horfes la- boured in pain : Thereforewe have no reafon to fear any other mifery in Hell, thanGods arbitrary difpofal bringeth on the more wretched fort of his Creatures, without any finful commerit orprovocation ; and perhaps little more than wevoluntarily herechoofe and bring upon our felves, or of the