Of god's gracious Operations on Man's Soul: mans diflike of anyone errour of Pelagius, but to thew that it is fo ufual for dif entersto make one another feemodious, and to feign or aggravate faults, andto vilifie ordeny Gods grace inothers, that he that-would not be temptedinto malice, uncharitablenefs and flander, muff take heed what he believeth, evenof men accounted moft abominable hereticks. Doubt- lets Pelagius his denying original fin, and his laying too much on mans will, and too littleon grace, are things tobe detefled. II. Tanfenius afferteththat theAngels and Adarn had fuch Free-willas couldobey ordifobey, and focould determine it felf to good, and perfevere therein, without anymore grace than they had whenthey did it not : And that by this Free-willfome Angels floodand tome fell, and Adamfell when he might by it have flood, and thereby fell from anobler fort of Free-will, which confifteth in a due fubfervience to God, and fell to the Love of Himfelf ( not primarily ofexternal things) inftead of God, and to felf- dependency and dominion. DeGrat.. primi how. c. 6. p. 4o, 41, 42. & [ "Nos hic o f ferimus tanquam fine dubitationeverilmum juxta doFlrinam ecfannli Auguflini eccle[Le omnia hujufmodi opera adedque ipamfi- [[ dem 6. dile¿lionemDei, ab eo potuiffeper arbitriilibertatemfieri fit ut ea «non donaret ei gratia Dei.] vid. c. 7, 8, Vic. The reafon of this was fanitas Volantatee Adami. C. 9. «III. Yet Gracewas neceffary to manand Angels both to perfeverance "and to every good a&. c. Io, I I. And e. la, 53, ¿c. this Grace ne_ ,eG ceffary to all was not Habitual Grace, ( for that they had ;) nor general "concurfe, which none denyed: but it was Alleni Adjuvant Roberating "help. But the Gracegiven. toAngels and AdamwasAdjutoriúm fine quo 'i non, giving the will power to determine it felf, but not. Adjutorium quo uwhich ever determineth it. One giveth the Power, and the other the All. (The fame that is meant by the common diflin&ion of Grace fuflt- eient and efelual by the Dominicans.) cc Yet this Adjutorium fine quo anon did with free-will procure theAll in the (landing Angels, andAdam cc while he flood : But that made it not Adjutorium quo becaufe it is not c focalled (efficax) only ab eventu : but becaufe it fo helpeth that illo ccprafente continuo flat id proper quad dater; illo abfente nunquamfiat. "p. 63. c. 14,15. One is like Light and thevifive faculty advidendum; "theother et ipfa vifao (fuch as all formal taufesare, and Gods fimulta- "neous efficiency.) The difference is (c.15.) that Adjutorium fine ".quo non doth but perfe& thepower, and the chief honour belonget to `c the will that ufeth it and could choofe: But contrarily the adjutorium "quo is the principal caufeof the Ad, and leaveth not the event to the cc will, but ufeth it effe&ually to the all intended. Therefore merit and u perfeverance in Innocency wereno fpecialgifts of God. " I V. That without or before faith no goodwork is done; but lies and "fins: 1.p.223. no nor without true Godlinefs,p.261. ¿ cc palm. To think that Infidels and ungodlyhaveany true virtue, is do- cctage. c. 17. "V. The firft finhadno neceffity, being meer fin, and no puni(hment, cc and fo eafily avoidableand wholly voluntary : Other fins are alto pu- rc nifhments, and fo partly involuntary and unavoidable and neceffary : cc Though a (inner may forbear one finby another. cap. 22. 'cc V I. A rational Creature could not be made of God finlefs without cc true Love to God, or at leaft a faculty molt fufficient to love him and u cleave to him. Deflate nat.pur. 1. I. c. 17. p. 3 33, 324; nor can God "withdraw that grace ofLove from the innocent.c. S. <' VII. The