And the Sub- operations ofz (tn's taten<Doi facie ad fiaciem contemplando ardentiar, aware u lausare Dg- um; non quia utile eft *beatifrcum diligenti, /èd quia drerr,a v.rtta?bi congruun, diieao debitum,Vc. Amoris hic inchOati, Amor fier*drus con- fummatus enta mettes. PramiurnDei iple Dew cll. Oui[q n delab - tur ab ilia charitatts puritate, ut amore concupifcentia inczpiat velle t concupifcere ftbiDeum , totem dileCtioníe ordinent quern nature docet, ¿ Lex eterna pracipit, diligendiperverftate perturb-at. Nnra ¿-Denm ad fe refert, ú reipfo fruiter, quorum utrumgue aterna inlifbert; bili lege pro(criptum eft. c. re. X I X. The fear of punifhment ( and attrition ) is good, bèing faáa mali an Antecedent ofwifdom : It is front-a certain generalgrace, bnc not that properly called the grace of Chrift: The Spirit of theOld Tefla- ment even of fear, is GodsSpirit.: _npt that whichChrift dyed to givemen, which is contrary (deledtation;) but another much inferiour grace, Which after the firm belief of Gods judgement and eternal punifhment, f rtaJJïs Graham peculiaris eujnfam providentid & operations nm excedir. They that have but the Kighteoufnefs of fear by knowing' the Law; have not Gods righteoulnels but their own : Indeed they have faith and that ra- dicated, but not Chrifts proper grace, but that whir]imaycome exproprii arbitrii viribus, excited by providence, or, if you will, inspiredfear : n© fin can be avoided by it, but by other fin. c. 22, 23, ¿ c. It is but of félf- love. It is Legal righteoufnefsandour own. c. 3 I , 32. X X. Liberty of will is either,meer voltcntarinefs, whofe contrary ne- ceffrty is mvoluntarii coat -nos ör that freeftacc whichis theLove of God, confiftent with Pimple neceífity. lib. 7. X X I. GratinChrifi eft Pradeterminatio voleintatir, fednon Dominicá-: norumpradeterminatio. r. Pradeterminatio Alice eft morio nefcio qua virtuofa, habens effe incompletum, ut colores in aere, impetus in impulfo't Gratin Chrifti eft verifnius motus voluntatic, ineffbilis, viz. deleftatii, &c. .2. Prad; phyfaca non eft eis anus Vitalas animi, fad áliquidcui vá- luntas tantum p?lfve fub¡aret : Gratin contra, &c. 3. Prædet. phvfira in quibufcunque circunaftantiis voleentas collocetur, omnen fuperatrefften- tiam femper facit effec /um: contra deleitatio vit/nix, ft alter arden- tior eft, in faits ine./ficacibus defideriis harebit animus. 4. Prad.phyfaca eft inflar concurfus cujufdam generalis Dei in ordinefupernaturali t Ad- jutoriuen Chrifti non ita. 5. Prad. phyfaca neceffaria fiatuitur omnibut agentibus ex vi caufa fecunda, &c. Chrifti adjutorium lard tannins vo- luntati propter vulnus necefj'arium eft. 6. Prad. phyfaca propter natural lem indiferentiam voluntatis exigitur: Gratia non ita 7. Prad.' phy/icaftatui innocentia neceffaria dither: GratiaChrifti non ita, ergohi ( Dominicani) maisArflotelici quam fluguftiniani fiant. Gratia tarnen eft Prad.pbyf.a: And grace and free-will are reconcilableas Predetermina- lion and free-will are. 1. 8. c. z, 3, 4. summa eft, quodGratiaAmantem Volentem facit: & non tantum poff vellé dat. 'In conclufion hé belyeth Calvin, r. As denying in man boni & mali clec'tionem, and fo in many. other points. cap. 2 I. XX I I. His do&rine ofPredeftination as congruous to this I paCs by, only adding that he denyeth Angels to be ele/ed of grace or to perfeve- rance, which was but forefeen, and they were made CO differ, not by grace, but by. merits : Man is eleéted to merits and glory ; but toglory before the forefight of merits. TheReprobation ofAngels wasafter thé purpofe of giving them fuf scient grace, and the forefightof fin ; Permit fion of fin was no effrul of it: But the Reprobation of men wasby Gods politive