loo OfCod's gracious Operations on Man's Soul : ence. And it is not two Covenants that give thefe two : but as foul and . body make one man, fo the Word ofebr f and his spirit make up one total caufe of our fandtification. The Spirit caufeth us to believe that which theWord revealeth, and to love the good which it propofeth, and to obey thePrecepts of theWord: Therefore the Gofpel is Grace, and the Spirit is Grace , that is, a free gift of God to milerable finners for their recovery, and inward holinefs is the effect ofboth. And to feign that all obedience as it is performedto Chrifts Lawupon its proper motives is therefore not ofthe Spirit, or is our own Rigbteoufnefs oppofed toChrifts, becnufe our own reafon and free-will isexercifed in it, is Phanaticifm, and fubverteth the Gofpel, and the PropheticalandKinglyOffice of Chrift. I I. God never gave aLaw, no not to the Jews, only to convince them that they could not keep it ; but to be the Rule oftheir obedience; And theJuft did keep it in fincerity. But the Law ofMofes as feparated by the ignorant Jews from the promife and grace ofChrift could not be kept by any to Juftification. To fay that Chrifts Laws now haveno higher end than to tell us that we cannot keep them, is Antichriftianity. Are we commanded to repent, believe, love God , only to tell us that we cannot do it f It's true, that without the Spirits help, we cannot. But it's as true, thatthe Command is the Rule ofour duty, and all the Gofpel and Covenant ofGrace, is the means of exciting us to our duty, by which the Spirit worketh in us faith , repentance, love and obedience. But, faith yanfenius, the Law of Chrift is tohumble men in the fenfe of their dif- ability, and drive them to feek to Chrift for his grace. I anfwer, r. Is not humbling men,and driving them to Chrift,a good effedt e Iffo, then his Law is themeans of all that good. a. Were the Gofpel and allthe Apoftles Epiftles written only to drive men to Chrift, and pot to edifie them and make them perfedt to falvation e Were not the Precepts of Love and Holinefs means of working Love and Holinefs inmen,: is not the Word the feed that begetteth men to eternal life e and is not the receiving of this feed intogood and honeft hearts, made by Chrift the caufe of holi- nefs and falvation e Were not theDifciples clean by the wordthat Chrift fpake to them :' and doth he not fay, that his Word was fpirit and Iife, as being the concaufe of the Spirits vivification e He that never received more benefit by ChriftsDoetrine, Lawand Gofpel, than to be convinced that he cannot believe, repent, obey or loveGod, bath not yet the benefit which they are principally intendedfor. But fuppofe thatbyLaw he had meant the meer penal part or threat- ning (as fome words would make a man fufpedt :) r. It's a ftrange de- fcription' of a Law, to exclude theprecept and premiant part, and include only the penal part which is the laft and leaft. a. As it is the fame Man that bath Love and Hatred, Hope and Fear, fo it is the fame Law of Chrift which hath precept and prohibition, prómife and penalty: And it is the fame Holinefs, or New Creature which is a conformity CO all together. Of which more anon. III. He can never prove, that all unbelievers have no Power to ufe any means which tendeth to faith, by a preparatory grace ; nor that the ufe of all fuch means is Impoffible to them. X I I I. His diftindtion of Natural and Moral Impotency is good : But then that Moißl Impotency it felf muff not be made the fame with the Natural : elfe there will be the fame reafon for excufing fin by it. If mans Will had been made by God fuch as couldnot poffibly love himor holinefs, itwouldnot have left a than unexcufable in judgement, that his enmity was Voluntary : It is reafòn enough for a man to kill a Toad or Serpent