102 ,Of god's Çracioui Operations on Man's Soul : it is ill Paid, that Chrifts grace is neceffary only to love or delight. For the foul of man hath three faculties, which muff be conjunctly ianc ified, viz. Vital active power, Intelle&andWill ; and fin is in all ; And the Spirit reneweth them bya threefold effe i, Vivification, Illuminationand Converfion ( or love. ) And hatred of fin, and fear of finning, and of God, are graces of Chrifl alto, ( as are obedience, patience,&c.) though below love. 2 .There is an Analogical good that is done by felf-love andfear, which bath a tendency tomans recovery, though not fuch good as is true holinefs and bath a promife of falvation. XV I I. I. Here we come to a difficult cafe : 1. Whether indeed any ungodlyman or Infidel, do love God fincerely amore amiciti,e b propter fe : The doubt is, becaufe to love him lets than finful pleafures and the creature, feemeth to bea loving him as lefs amiable or good. And to love him as luch, is not to lovehim asGod, nor indeed to loveGod, but an Idol of the imagination. I think we muftfay, r:That no man loveth God adequately ; for no man hath anadequate conceptionof him. z, But yet that there are fome elfentials of fuch true love as is neceffary and fuitable to our dark and weak condition, which all mutt have that will be faved (either diftinétly or confufedly ) : As to knowand love himas theInfinite Spirit the firft caufe and lall end of all, molt powerful, wife and good, our Owner, ourRuler and our Benefactorand chief good : Fa- ther, Word andSpirit ; the Creator,Redeemer andSandifier ; the Author ofNature,Grace, Glory. 3. That no wicked or unholy perfon truly lov- ethGod thus, viz. As his onnGovernour to make himholy, andfave him from the Flefhand World: and as the Author of thofe holyLaws, by whichhe governeth,and a righteousJudgeaccording to thole Laws. 4.There- fore7anfenius's little fincere Love in fenfual men is but a love of ali- quidDei, fomewhat of God, and not properly of God as God : fpeaking ofGod as the obje l of love it felf. 5. Yet the fame perfon may have all the forefaidNotions of aDeity, andmay notionally call them all good and laudable ; but his Prac3ical Judgement is not fach of God as hisholy Governour,Judge and End, as to bring him truly as fuch to love him. 6. Yet this may be called aLove ofGod analogically, ashe is Paid to love the Kingwho lovethhim as greatand good to the Common-wealth, though not as a governing reftrainer of his Mts. By this I would have that ex- plained I have faid of this fubjeét in my Saints Refl.' I I. But here I am at a further lofs. Didhe mean that this love cal- led fincere, is in none but thole that are faved or not As I faid before, If he did, then a common Drunkard, Adulterer, 6.c. may have this love and be laved : But I fuppofe he meant Negatively : And if fo, methinks hence all his oppofition to fuffiicient Grace turneth back upon himfelf : And to him it may better be faid, Why do you feign Chrift and the HolyGhofl to give men fuch a Grace, fuch a Love to God, as no man ever was or will be faved by, without more Is it any more difhonour to Chrift, to give men fome fuch Power to do Come more good than aäually they do, as Adam had CO have continued innocent, than effectu- ally to give fo many perlons fincere love which flail never Pave them t (Whether theft be they that he will adjudge to Purgatory I know not : If fo, he will ftretch the rank of Venial fins to thofe that ocher men call Mortal.) III. But yet my greate(l difficulty remaineth : I am in doubt Whe- ther he that denyeth common fufficient grace, and extendeth the grace of Chrilt feemingly but CO few, do pot really either make it the fame thing with