Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

And the Sub -operations ofMan's Will. Joy for de re we arc agreed , that fuch a change would be our great mifery. X X I. I take it tobe the commendation of yanfenitas, that he renouti ceth the Dominicans Phyfical EfficientPredetermining Promotion, as na- turally neceffary to all actions natural and free. But his habitation, con- verfe and worldly intereft tempted him faeìioufly to calumniate Calvin, left he himfelf íhould become odious with his own party , and fo mils of his expected fuccefs which hath prevailed allo with Gihierif, Arnol- dur and molt other Papifts to do the like, when they differ from their Brethren. X X I L He well faith, that Permiffion of the firft fin is no effect of Reprobation : But his ordination ofGods acts into [ this Before and that After] and fo his differencing the Election of Angels and men, I fear bath fomewhat in it prelumptuous and unproved. In conclufion, r much miflike in 7anfenius, t. His contempt of the Sacred Scriptures, as being not properly Chrifls Laws, but force odd occa- fonal Writings, his Laws being only in the heart and tradition. z. His flighting of Habitual Grace comparatively, which yet is indeed Chrifls Law and Gods Image in the heart. 3. His feigning a new or odd fort of grace ( fear) which is none of the grace of Chrift, no not preparatory to his higher work , but a grace of force other Providence. 4. Confequently that there are men ( yea, molt) who are no fubjedis ofChrift, nor under anyLaw of grace by Chrift, and yet not under the mcer Lawof Innocency ; and therefore are under force other Law (who knows what?) or lawlefs. 5. His damning all that perifh meerly for Original Sin ; and its ne. ceffitated confequents , which no man had ever the leaft power to avoid. 6. His afferting that Angels and Adam had fufficient Grace; and Free: will, by which the Angels did, and Adam could have perfevered in Irmo. cency and never finned : And yet that finte the fall, no ungodly man hath fuck help and free-will to any one better at than he doth, nor the holieft perfon to any better than he doch s but the bell: Saint is lets able to do one better ad , than Adam was to keep all the Law. 7. And fo his confequent, that it is properly impoffible for anyman in the World, good or bad, to do any better than hedoth. 8. That all they love God fincerely amore amicitin who love God and Juftice propter fe as amiable in himfelf ; though they love their filthieft fins fo much better , and all their flefhly worldly interelt, as that they have but an uneffectual with that they could leave them. 9. That we muff not fay, that Chrif{ giveth men either a Power to do better than theydo, nor yet that GraceofFear which they have, (as be- ing below him) ; And yet mull fay that he giveth multitudes this unef- feftually fincere love, whichnever faveth them. to. That a Habit of true faith may be many years in a man before it juftifie him : when as the word [ cruel muff mean force other faith, or elfe that fame will never juftifie him which did not juftifie him fo long. e r.- His Antinomian or Phanatick diftinguifhingLaw andGrace; as if Chrift had no Precepts or Laws, but Operations; or elfe his. Gofpel and Covenant in fignis wereno partof his Grace. Pppp za. And