><o6 Ofgods gracious Operations on Man's Soul: ti. And thence his fiction that all that which is done by any Grace ad poffe, and in obedienceto Chrifts written Law, is a Legal Righteouf- nefs of our own, andnopart of ChriftsRighteoufnefs. Thefe with what elfe I have before disclaimed, I diflike in fanfenius his way: And yet think that a man that can well diftinguifh words from things, andwill not be deceived by ambiguous terms, may fhew that even he and his adverfaries are not fo fardifagreed as they feem. E. g. Whe- ther Chrift dyedforall? They are agreed that he dyed to procure for alt fo much Grace or Mercyas he giveththem ; and that amongchele aconci - tional Pardon, and Gift of Chrift and Life, is one, trc. And they agree that he dyed not with any abfoluteintent ofgiving them any more than he doth give them. What remaineth then, but the Controverfie de nomine, Whether this much be fitly called, his Dyingfor all? which Scriptureput- teth outofdoubt.The like Imightfay of many ofthe reft of thedifferences: t). VIII. IConcludewith thisfummary determination of all thefe Controverfies to fatisfie fober minds. I. GOD our CR EAT OUR is theCaufaprima, the faring and Mailerand end of NATURE ; and :accordingly having antecedently made thecreaturein fuch varietyas pleafed him, r , H AEtìvely affordeth themall thatgeneral Influxby which theBeing given them is fupported, and they are fufficiently furnifhed for their feveral motions, operations or re- ceptions. 2. And his Infinite Goodnef and bleffed Will is their commonEnd in which theyare all finally terminated ; but varioufly thereby felicitated ac- , cording to the varietyof their capacities. 3. And as the Governour of the Univerfe he fapientially ordereth all things, and condudeththem fromtheir Beginning to their End ; but vari- ouflyas theyare various. I L So GOD our REDEEMER, having in Chrift made all ne=. ceffary preparations, and Redeemed mankind asto what belonged to a Savi- our to doin Perfon uponearth, and having antecedentlymade anUniverfal LawofGrace, t. DothReveal his Mercy to loft finners7 commonly, but invariousdegrees as he pleafeth ; And Both concurr with his GofpéI, by vouchfafinga CommonGracious Help, whichhath an aptitude and tendency to the recoveryof loft fanners. 2. And asthefinalinfinite Good hefelicitatethall that are by Grace con= dulled to him as their end; andon the tell will have his abfolute will fulfilled, and will not be fruftrate of his End, though finners may be fruftrate,of theirs, and be unhappy. 3. And as Redfar hefapientially condulteth man in the way to this feli- citating End, antecedently by the Gofpel, which is the fame in it fell to all that have it : and confequently as 3udge by his Rewards; In which fup- poling his forefaid commonerpreventingGrace, he canffequentlly giveth men fuelr furtherdegreesof co operating grace or help and fpiritual mercy, as in theufeof former grace, they are fitto receive: and juftly'and penally deny- eth that to others which they have made themfelves immediately unapt for, br uncapableof in the wayof thisordinary common operation. but withall as a free Owner and'Benrfat/or who may do with his own as he lift, (as hediverfifieth theworks of Narare, though Naturekeep a con- Pant courfe, except in Miracles, fo ) he freely diverfifieth the gifts of his Grace