Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Andthe Sud-operation,' of MM'SDill.- I a their refurrettion to a life of iánity andglory ; and that it ¡ball go well with them in the end. 3. Andas to the workof Redemption, his notions are too floridly or ambi"uoufly delivered for me to undertake with confidence to unriddle: But this feemeth the fumm : " t . That God is the fountain ofBeing by ccEmanation as the Sun of light : And that his eternal wifdonc is fefee cc Chr f in the ferfi irritant or nature. a. That the frrfi creature that he cc made (or emaneth from him ) is a perfect univerfal mind, the Plat- a'form of all the reft of the Creation; (fuchasthe old Philofophers called the foul oftheworld, or an univerfal Intelligence : ) 'c And that this is7e= fue Chriftin his fecond nature and notion: which Arius knew, but did cc ill deny his divine nature. 3. That this Univerfal Spirit or Mind, c' makethkllllthe world befides, and is in them all: And fo thewhole Crea- cc Lion elfe was Chrifts firftfhadowy image, (or body.) 4. That the i o- ccgelr are the nobleft parts of this, and that the Deity firfk, and ChrJ1 ca fuperangelical nature next, is once in them all, and theyone with him, as cc thebeams with thé Sun, and as the lower partof theSun-beams with the cc parts next theSun. 5. That the foul of man is the nextpart of Chrifts cc fbadowy Image, into which he defcended. 6. And fo into all Bodies, lc 7. And as into afpecial Branch,into that Body born ofthe Virgin Mary.. cc 8. And in that, and in otherBodies, he dyeth, and defcendeth to his low- cc eft fiàte ; and9. Then, as theSun, doth rife again, and bring all back Ir to the fiate ofpure fpirituality in his fuperangelical nature, whence all ufprang: And this is theirRedemption; which is molt floridly fee forth. 13: This doetrine feemeth to reconcile Philófophy (or Gentilifm) and Chriftianity : For what is it almoft but names that are left in diffe- rence Thatwhich aPhilofopher willcall anuniverfal Intelligence, or, foul of the world, he calleth drift: And if fucha foul there be, no one will deny but that it fioweth into all particularfouls and bodies, and is united to them;or is to individualsas the foul in the headto the foal in thehand and foot. t). 14. And if I did believethatfin; death, hell ; andblinds, life, Glory,' are in the world but as Winterand Summer, Night and Day, and, as origen, that thewicked arebut a Rate Of Revolution,, and (hall comeabout agaid into a fiateof hope ; or, as-he here feemeth, that their fin and mifery is but like thedyingof aflower in the fall, that !hall in the Spring again be as before; (or rather another inits !lead;) and that it is but the retiring of Chriftfrom the Creature, as the fpirit of theTree in Autumn from the Leaves, I (honld then be ready to receive his lveceffitating Predetermina- tion to fin, and fit áll the refsof my opinions hereunto. 15 . There is ( among many others) one Yoh. Jeffenius á feffen. Doftor& Eyries Hungarus, whoin aTraft. deAnima & corpore Zlniverfi bathwrittenmuch to the like purpofe, fave as being a l'eripatetick he dif- fereth from the Platonifts viz. The world is one Animal and bathone foul andbody, which all Creatures are parts of : That Starsare Intelle- Etuais, or Angels, and all intuitively know each others minds, loving the good, andhating the evil here, and are our chief friends and Keepers : That Death befalleth only us lower Creatures ; Mors continua fingulis, nude tarnensterna: Narn pod longoffim»rn tempori» excurfum, quern Plato tri_ ginta infuper aliquot annorum millibru determinare anfis eft, remo- vebitier, fain iterum aliquá fècrindúm naturarg folutione, reelintegrati- one. And the Intel!ettur Agens he defcribeth as Mr. Sterry doth chrid in his fecond or middle nature, pag. i65. Intelfecsni agentern fubflantia prima atlas Del fulgorem of fe Non acctdens, fed fabftantiam Intelligerl- temi