Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

116 Ofgod's graciotts Operations on Man's Soul: w 3,4. It is aword which fome pervert, Gal. 1.7. and many fin againft, Gal. 2; 54. I Pet. 4. 17. The rejecters of it are to (peed worfe than Sodom and Gomorrah, and they cannot efcape that neglect fo great fat_ vation. Whereas by his defcription, 1. Noman ever yet finned againft the Gofpel or Covenant ofGrace : For it is not that Covenant or Go- fpel further than it is a phyfical effect on the foal. 2, And every Flea- then that bath any good effect on his foul by Common Grace bath lò much Gofpel ; 3. Yea , why is not then all GodsCreation, being a phyfical effect, the Covenant of Grace ; ifthat he loth be it , and all that he commandeth as fuch be the Law of Worksa? q.. And how then can the Law of Works and Grace be two, if every proper Law be the Law of Works? For a Law is (seb genre figni, and a produced event is another thing. 5. And what fenfe will be found throughout the Scri- pture, if we mutt hold, that It is the Covenant or Law of Works which telleth us, that the Law ofWorks is abolithed, and calleth us to believe in Chrift for free Juftification, and not toexpect Juftification by the Works of the Law, and offereth us pardon and life in Chrift ? &c. But I will add no more, feeing the plainnefsofthe matter makes it needlefs. 35. The troth is, he diftinguifhethbetween theLaw and the effect of the Law and Spirit of God, and calleth one the Law of Works and the other theGofpel: whereas the Scripture only maketh it the excellen- cy of the Gofpel, that by it the Spirit effectually worketh on the foul more ufually and more excellently ; and no weer Law ( of Works or Grace) will renew uswithout the Spirit. 36. VIII. And if Redemption be nothing but Phyfical efficiency by Chrift, ( who as a creating Mediator first giveth all creatures what they have, and next faileth themand leaveth them in darknefs, as the Sun fetteth, and then Riling again revolveth all things into his original pure fpirituality, like the revolution of day and night, Summer and Winter,) it is lure another thing than the Scripture defcribeth it, which maketh it a noble part of that Sapiential frameof Moral Government which Tome defpife. 37. I X. But let it be noted, that we hold, that as theAlmighty Father is theglorious Creator, Motor and Life of [nature, and the Eter- nal wifdom, word andSon, theGlorious ordinator, Rector and Redeemer, fo the Eternal Love, and the Holy Ghaft is the final Perfecter of believers, even of GodsElect; and that this Sanctification and proficiency, is by more than Moral Sapiential Regiment, even by the Real Ihedding abroad Gods Love upon the foul, or by a Quickning, Illuminating, felicitating Communication of Divine Life, andLight, and Love, which yet maketh nor the Sapiential Regiment vain. (). 38. And as to Free-will I further fay, that we are far from holding that it is a Rate of man in which he is Above God, or Independent and as a God to himfelf, or that God is any way a defective or idle ( as they- call it) Spectator of mans fins, or free acts But that this rank and Rate of free agents is Gods own wifely - chofen work in which he is delighted. And that he doth truly attain his ends in all. *.39. Therefore as Mr. sterry magnifieth the harmony which ariCeth fromMoral Good and Evil as defignedand neceffitated by God, fowedril admire the harmony which arifeth fromNatural and free agents and their wer-ks ; which muff not be difhonoured and left out. 0.4o. And more than fo, we doubt, not but all Gods works are per= fcct, it being their perfection to be fuited to his own will. And the dd- b between us. and Mr. Sterry , Dr. Twi/fe, hc. isnot, Whether God