Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

IIó Of Clod's gracious Operations on Man's Soul,&c. 46: I conclude with this repeated profeffion, that I am fully fatis- fled, that all the refs of the Controver(ies , about Grace and Nattfie; and Predeflination and Redemption, as they Eland between the Synod of Dort and the Arminian, are of no greater moment than I have oft expreffed in this Book, nor worthy any of that fir and contention, which men that fufficiently difference not words , methods and 1Mátter' have made to the mifchievous injury of the Church: And thatthe true life of all the remaining difficulties, is in- this controvedìe between the defenders of ileceffáry Predetermination, and of Free-will; that is, (not, Whatfree-will inners have left, but) L whether ever in Angels or inno- cent man, there was fach a thing, as a will that can and ever did de- termine it 1e to a volition or Nolition in fpecie morali , without the predetermining efficient neceffitating premotion ofGod as thefrr:i Caufe ?) or as Hobbes 1peaketh , Whether ever a created will, did ad, without a neceffitating premotion t And whether to will and to will freely, be all one And whether the will (except as to the kind of anion) be not as much neceffitated to will or not will, as my Pen to write or not write and we call not its ads Contingent or free, either becaufe they are what they are (Volitions,) or through Ignorance, becaufe we fee not the mdving Caufes r 0.47: And if this hold, for my part I muff confefs, that I think the Religion which agreeth with it, mull neither be fo goodasDr. Miles, Rutherfotds, Bradwardines, or Alvarez's, nor yet fo bad as Hobbeìs, or Spinofa's; but jufi Each as Mr. Sterry's or the old Platonick or Stoick PhiloCophers : I mean not Each as Mr. Sterry's was , ( for I hear he' was an excellent perfon ;) but fuch as his Book ( though obfcurely) inti- mateth. And if any of that judgement have a better or worfe, it is not in confiftency with his own principles. FI.kISa