he Contents. Ch. 9. Whether Faith itfelf be Imputedfor Righteoufnefs, p. 252. Ch. to. Whether itbe a change in God to juftifie the (before) unjufii- fled, p.256. Ch. 1 r. Whether ajuftifiedman fhouldfear becoming unjullified ? ibid. Ch. 12. ofmans potter to believe : andour calling the, unregenerate to Duty, ).258. Ch. t 3.ofthe witnefs ofthe spirit,and ofEvidences ofJuflifîcation,p.2 61. The Conclufion. The twelfthdays Conference witha (learned)Lutherane. Whether the difference among Chr1ians about Merit, be asgreat asfame thinkit, p. 263. Some Protefiants (and the late Leélurers)Reafons again,fl Meritpropofed,p.265. and the cafe opened. Ofthe Doilrine ofthe Council of Trent, p. 266, be. Of condignity, p. 267. The Doarine ofVega, Scotus, Waldenfis, Eckius, Marfilius, Bellarmine, Greg. Armin. Durand, Brugenf.Cufanus,Stapleton,Bradwardine, Soto, Bonaventure ft'. Clara, andall the schoolmen as hejudgeth, Carthuf: Caffander, p. 27o. Holinefs andGlory a greatergift thanGlory without holinefs, p. 27 t. Aquinasjudg- ment.' His.confufonoccafioned by his opinion that the new Law isthat which is in the heart, and not written, viz. the Spirit (as the Quakers hold) ib. Vafquez denyeth Commutative yuflice inGod , with all the school DoFlors, (17 of themcited). He confuteth it (even as toChrifl). He denyeth proper D?ributiveJufliceafo inGod, citingBonavent. Scotus, Durand. Palud. Gabriel, Alexand. Aquin. be. p. 272, be. Aquinas fenfe, in Carbo's words, p. 275. Many schoolmen deny as much as Legal orGoverning juflice inGod. Ruizcitethfor this Argent. Baflol. Suarez, Pelant : Suarez faith, God's promifes are but naked Affértions declaring his Will. Durand. that promifes ftgnifie notobligation : Greg. Armin. That the Crown is no Debt, but offreeOrdination. Marfil. That Godis no Debtor, butfreeGiver:Scotus, Major, Ricard. deny God to be a Debtor byhis promife, but hold thatMerits are fuchby Promife. Ruiz faith (againfi Suarez) That Promifes aremore than Affèrtions, bitt that God's obligation is to himfelf, p. 276. Medina a- gain(l Meriting Remion, p. 277. Again.il Preparation, p, 277. Conta- renusjudgment.Fifher's ofRochefter,p.278.Thewords ofTolet,p.280. The thirteenthdays Conference, witha Se&ary. Of the great errors, fin anddanger which many Ignorant Profeffors fall into, on the pretence of abhorring andavoidingPopery, p. 283. Thefins of fuch as CalumniatefoundTeachers asfavouring Popery,p.285. Errors vended by fome ProteHants throughan injudicious oppofition to Popery, p. 287. It's neceffäry that we mention them and repent ofthem, p. 288. Wherein thefe Sellaries agree with the Papifis while they over-oppofe them, p. 289. The great mifchief that is done by railing at Truth as Popery, and calling good things Anti-Chriiian, and prating thus before they underfiand, p. 289. More offach mJlhiefs, with Counfel to the Guilty, p. 291, be. HorridLies of Papifis againfl Proteftants, inftanced out of Tympius, fhould warn us that we imitate them not. More Objellions anfinered, p. 296, be.