A DIALOGUE BETWEEN A. (an arminian) and B. ( the Conciliator.) THE Fiat Days Conference ABOUT l'.REIESTINATION. . I perceiveby your Writings, that you would make men be lieve; that the differences between the Arminians and Cal- vinists, are matters ofno fuchmoment as they are commonly judged to be, * and that the diftance is very (mall, if men underftood themfelves ; and you would have it thought that you are Maim nnll brt/is nr the man fit for fo great an undertaking, as the conciliation of thefe omnibus meo jadieio foj. differing Parties is. But todeal freelywith you, I take it to bebut the heere deberent abfque alterton dr cario/iori effe&of your own Ignorance, not underilanding the Controverfies; and rove figanane ,tam . of your Pride, in overvaluing your own Parts and Apptehenfions: Or intimo naturo libertatir elfe you would never dream that you can come after fuch wits as Au- ; rain mode quo . y y gratin in nobis o?érarur, gufiine, and Pelagiue, and Celefline; fuch as Aquinas, Scotus, Ockam, érquo Bins effcacia cum Gregory Armi. Durandus and their Followers even fuchas Ca'etane eoncirn naltft liberate g y > > + condlianda e/t de quibus Bannes, Zumel, Alvarez, &c. fuch as Suarez, Vafgúez, Molina, Fonfeca, nulladiferta, tiara ea. ex- T uiz &c. finch Conciliators as Ariba Gibieuf, Guil. Cameranius Scotus pr/ia extant in Screptaris > > orarais. But ìf they will. Pennottits, Petr. d St. yofeph, Ludov. d Dola, yanfenius, and his Followers, needsbe niediing,he tvi. withabundance fuch, anddo that which none of thefecould do. But flies themmodefty and moderation. Le Blank de you are notthe firft Undertaker that hathmifcarried. &Pena. Grat. Tbef. 8;. B. If I have been guilty of vain boafting, cite my words, and I will retra& them : If not, thefeexpreffions fpeakbut your prejudice. But, I pray let usfpend no timeupon fuch Impertinences, but fpeak that tei thematter which tendeth to edifie, that one ofus may become thewilier at leaft. I firft delire you to tell me, Q Whether theending or narrowing this difference be not exceeding defrable, could it be attained ? A. Yes, there is no mandoubts of that. B. Q2. And is not defpair the enemy of all endeavours, and will any thing be done withoutforce hope ? A. And it'sas true, that vain hopes caufe labour invain. B. The worft then will be but the lots of my tabour: And I will tell youofwhat moment I judge thework. B I. In