Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of Predeflination. t. In regard ofthefenfulnefsofthe Contentions : 2. In regard of the Calamitousconfequents. t. The finfulnefs I take to lie, a. Inthematter. 2. And in themanner ofprofecution. I. Thefe things I judge tobe flail' in thematter: r. That many dif- ferences arepretended tobe, where indeed are none. 2. Differences about words, and f Bond Notions, and rational Entities, arepretended to be differencesabout real Do&rines. 3. Little Differences are aggrava- ted into great ones. 4. Unfearchable things are difputed, which no mortalman can underftand. rt. As ta themanner ; it is done, r. Prepofteroufly, preferring thefe *Read in rrocli Anateti. Difpgtes. before the greater bufinefs of theMìniftry. * 2. Perverfly , P g. 646. the Epiftle of Cyril Alex. to Proctns a- wafting abundance of time and fïudy about them, by which the Church gainft the cenfuringof might havebeenbetter ferved ; and writing fo many great Volumes of Theodor. Mopfueft. and his works, left it tend to di- them, in crabbed Scholaftick fkile, asmutt needs tempt multitudes to a ëñu ñ and tumult n: the lamentable lofs of their precious time, before they can come toknow Joan. Antiocbini ad Cyril. that they lofe it. 3. And, by fidings, and factions, and.fbarp reflections It .would make one on each other, quenchingChriftian Love, and deftroying Concord, and ámamed of humane weakening the Church. nature ' to readhow baCe- ly the Dominans and Il. The calamitous Confequents are, a . The long, and yet unhealed tome others (Atvarer,, de alienation of Contenders minds. 2. The forefaid time and toilwhich Aux. Difp. I t 5.p. 468, 469. &hpeZamet, and thofe Volumes colt. 3. The abundance of idle talk, and loft ftudies many more, and Jante- about 'them, by the generality of Students. 4. The dangerous Faûi- nius, Amoldas, &c. yea, Gibieuf,, &c.) do abufe ons made by it in the Churches. S. The tempting eachParty tocenfure, Lather and Calvin,meer- flander, and blot the Names of one another. 6. Multitudes of Pre- ly tomake other Papifts ' believe, that theydiffer lates and Paftors have been tempted by it into Perfecutions.. 7. Yea, from them where they wars andblood-fhed inmore Countries than one hath followedpartly donor. And all through b this. incenfion. 8. And hereby the. poor people on each fide are a carnal factious fear of y P p P lofing their imereft in kept in bitter uncharitable thoughtsofone another; and efpecially of their own topifhParry ichafePattors. whoare againit their mind. as if we differed not e-. nongh, but mutt per- Andbecaufe things neareft us are fitft difcerned, beginat home, and fwade the world; that try whether all this. be true or not. t. Hearken to the Mirsifters and we differ where we do not. See but Alvaro;, people oit each. fide.. Doyounot hear that it feemethenough to them 1. is. Dift.sutPaf.49s. to heighteachother withuncharitable alienation, when it's. Paid, o uch where he citeth fix Er- of Catvint,as differ - a one is aCalvinift, or filch aone is an Arminian ; yea, perhaps the le'- ing from him ; whereas fuite (hall come in. Read over the many writings about Mountaguea the four fufì are but time, onhis part, and again(} him, by Tales Carlton Watton, Burton; one,lye varioufly word- ' ' ed, and the two Taft no &c. But efpecially read Peter Heylin his writings on this Subject, and better ; for in all of above all, his Life of Arch-Bithop Laud, where he perfwadeth us that them Calais faith not > one jot more in, Cede this very Controverfiewas a grand part oldie difference, which on both than the Dominicans id', fides wasprofecuted, tillit brought us toour doleful War. hemay find in him ; and 2. Go but to the Low-Countries, and feewhat work it bath made the generality of the there, from the daysofArminiue to this day ; efpecially betweenPrince. Catvini/ts (as they are called by fcorners) fay Maurice and the states, . at the deathof Barnevelt, the imprifonment of much lets. Gratin, &c." TheSynod at Dort, and all the ftrife anddifcontent before and after it. 3. Perufe but the Volumes written onone fide bySuecanws,Arminius, Grevinchovius, Carvings, 'Tilenua,Epifcopiur, Curcelkeua, Grotius, &c. with many Lutherans; And on the other fide by Gomarrus, Lubbertua, Macchoviw.r, &c. Molineeus, Amefus, Dr. 7wife, Rutherford, spanhe- mien, &c. and think howfad fuch Combats are. 4. Think what alamentable d.iftance to this day is kept up between the Lutherans , and CalvinJts in all Countries, and much upon the ac- count of thefe fame Cogtroverfies: Andwhat bitter Books the Luther- ans