Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of .Predeflinatí`ori:, am have written, comparing the calvinifis toPaps, Turks, &c; and how little Mr. fortyyears Labour did to reconcile them ; and how (mall fuccefs all other Reconcilers have had , though excellent learned judicious men; fuch as calixtus, Johan: Bergius, Conrad..Bergius Ludov. Groans, Mat. Martini:is; Ifleburg, Teflaidus, Amyraldus, Placeus, Capellus, Dalkeus ; Blondel, Davenant , Hall, Carlton , Abbot; Morton; Preflán, &c. 5 Thinkofthe great Confliâs in France and Flanders, between the yanfenifls and their Adverfaries 5 and the multitude of elaborate Vo- lumesbetween theDominicans and the yefuites: Andofhow. many Ages continuance thofecontefts have been. 6. Then rile up to the Timeand Cafe of Faufius Rhcgiengs, Caffianur, and the Malienfes, and their Adverfaries5 and the hard Charactersleft bytholecontroverfies on the namesof worthy men. 7. ,'Fromthence afcend to chryfoflome and . his Reproaches, and Au- .11in's Cenfures onthe other fide, withall the Confli&s which he and his Abettors, Profper and Fulgentius hadwith the Pelagian: and semipelagi- ans of thole times. . 8. And laftly, read and pityalmost all the Fathers, efpecíàlly of the Greek. Church, wholeNames arenow blotted-with the cenfure offpeak- ing too like our Arminians and fefuites 5 and after all this,- youwill fore; think this Contention was a very ill work, if it be proved cantlefs; and: you willthink that it's time toend it, if it be poffible. To which end, an attempt is not difcommendable,ifitfhould prove loft as tothe greater part ofmen. And Tome, I doubtnot, God:will biefs it to, at leaft to increafe their loveof peace. A. I prayyoutell me what isyour 'Undertaking, and inwhat meafure itisthat you think this Work may be accomplifhed? B. My Undertaking is this, [ Toprove, that in thepoints of.Predeflina tion andRedemption, there is no difference between moderate men ofeach. Party, * but what is relayed into thepoints of Grace andFree-Will 5 and in the pointsof Graceand Free-Willthere is no real difference, but -what is relayed into the queftion ofthe degreeof Gods co-operating influx, compa- redwith mans agency, and with it felf as onfeveral Objel s 5 which will prove either ne difference at all, or elfe about a thing paft mans-vnderftand- ing : And, that only in the point ofperfeverance, there is areal perceptible difference; but fuch as is not worthy to be .smiled on, to,the breach of charity, or the Churches peace, butmull confill with toleration andmutual love.] A. I know not whether this great Undertaking look more fmilingly on theTimer to come,or frowningly on the 'rimes paft. For if thisbe truer what thoughts, what names do we deferve for troubling the Chriftian World, fo pernicioufly and diftraâingly,witha feigned difference. But, I pray you, tell mein general, how you will manifeft allthis ? B. t. You muff give ate leave to tell youwho theyare that Iundertake this Reconciliation of. 2. And then, how I(hallperform it. L- It is not every violent contender, that runneth into fuch palpable. Errors as the common caufe needeth not,: and will fay any thingrather; than agree, that I am fpeaking of. About thefe matters, there are Imp Parties thatRand oneach extream, who are not to be called Calvinifts and Arminian; 5 but by other Names , for their other Opinions. Thefe Iintend to confute diftinélly, infteadof reconciling thenl, which is impoffible, but by reformingthem.- t. On * Eadem tnim di¡fscultaà fuit lemperdonationisis, tempore, & præinitionis aut predeftinationis in prafctentia. Care ergs to tempore decor nabis (prima gratia) fine ul/a casta ration, aut condition fine qua non,le etiampredcii- natur. Neq;folum negai debit ratio, cur onusprr. deßinetur, alii vero non, ut quidam dicebant, fed ¢tiara guar¢ qua præ- deftinetor nualillafaista com- paraiene, fiquidem nulla ratio effe patois ob quara Deus dederit primamgra- tias,, nilper modani finis. Vafgoez, in I. Thom. Difp. q I. C. 7. Too lee bowmutt a fefuite grant- etb.