Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

The Contents. Laws is opened. to. Abflate andConditional. 1 r. Effetheal and aa_ e eclual. 12. Antecedent andConfequent, P. 49. Sea. r 5. whether Gods Decrees mull be fàid to be diverffied and proved, according to the order ofIntention, or Execution. whether God do in- tendere finem ? andwhat is his End. The Order and Objeits opened, P. 57. Sea. 16. what Eletlion andReprobation are ? The order of theDec; e'er called Reprobation, and ofthe Objecis: ofNegations ofDecree, p. 66. AnAdditionalExplication of Divine Nolitions, p, 76. Sea. 17. whether Godwill, Decreeor Caufe Sin. Five Ails ofGod on and about Sin. what Sin is. Many wayesGodcan caste the fame thing thatthe 'inner caufeth, and fo fulfil his Decrees, without willing or Caufing the Objetlions anfwered. Godfreely (not idlely or impotently) re- flraineth his own plible operations, fometimes that he do not fúch or fuch an act at all, and fometime that be do but fo much towards it, and no more, whetherGod be ever Caufa partialis;? P. 84. Sea. 18. AConfutation ofDr. Twiffes Digreff. 5. li. a. fed. z. Vindic. Gratin, where he afferteth that God Willett, the exiftence of Sin , and thatfns are a medium Ma natura fumme& unice conducibile to the Glorification ofhis Mercy andVice, p 92. Sea. 19. The fame Dol-irine in Rutherfordde Providentia confuted, whe- ther things be good, becaufe God willetb them, or willed-by him becaufe j, good! refolved. whether there were eternal rations boni & mali. Dr.Field vindicated, z o6. Sea. so. The oldDoelrine ofAuguftine,Profper and Fulgentius, hought by fame 3efuits too rigid, but indeedconciliatory, (for abfolute Eleition to Faith, andfo to Salvation, andfor no reprobating Decree, but only ofPunifbmentfor Sin forefeet', but not decreed.) Profper adCap. Gall. Sentent. tranflated, p. 115, Sea. 21. The fawn of Profpers Anfwer toVincent. r6.Objea. p. z z 8. Sea. 22. Fulgentius words to the fame fenfe, p. 1 21. Sea. s 3. The healing Doctrine andconceffians ofmany called Calvinifts, ofthe Synod of Dort, Pet. Molinnus,&c. p.124. Sea. 24. And of Petr. à Sanao Jofeph, Suarez, Ruiz, be. on the other fide, efpecialyBellarmines at large, andothers, p. 127. ERRATA: