Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Decrees of god, &c, 3. TheHOLY S P I R i T : Of which the School-men have laid fo much, ( if not far too much ) as that I may turn the Reader to them. 27. I have elfewhere (hewed that many of them, andother Divines, do take the Three laff named Immanent God, to be the famewith the Three Perlons or Subfiftences; Even theThree Divine Principlei ( Poteri tia-Ac :us, Intellectus bVoluntas ) as in 467thus Immanently- 5 But of there great Myfleries elfewhere. All that I fayhere is, thatfeeing the Tri- nity ofDivine Principles ( or formal Effentialities) and the Threefold Aft, are fo certainly evident to Natural Reafon it felf, that no under(fanding perfon can deny them, we have no Reafon to think the Trinity ofEternal suhft, ftencesincredible;and a thing that:, the Chrettian:fattis is to batifpe for,but thequitecontrary ; thoughthey are myftetiesaboveour reach, ( as all ofGod is, as to a full or formal apprehenfion ). a8. Though God have no Real. Accidents, we arc fain to conceive df Himwith force Analogie to Accidents : where; T. The Univerfal Conce- ption is PERFECTION, which comprehendeth all. 2. The Di- vine Principles confidered in PER F ECT I ON denominate God; A. Patenti/mue, 2. Sapientifmus; 3. Optimste, . 29. The Attributes ofthe DivinePerfns are, 1.Diinguifbing; viz; I.GENERANS, Patrie : 2..GENITUS, Füü : 3. PROLE- D ENS, SpirituaSana 1. z. Common to all, fuch as '.Er,0e-; `.opccé.7(3-; 'Eurw"s, Evvávafxe-,'Ic&, 1.4,1)(9.,.&e. 3o. The particufar'Attributes, toCreatures, Comparate, Relativeand Negative, are very many; Butyetin Order tobe conceived of, and not confufedly ; which.elfewhere I offer to theReaders view. 3 I. V I. Gods Gaufai Relations to his Creatures.. are in General thof named by S. Paul , Rom. ti. 36. OF H IM and THROUGH HIM and TO 11 I M are all things. And heis, r.Thefirff E F- F ICI ENT, z. The fupream DIRIGENT, 3. The Ultimate FIN AL Caufe of all things. 32, Gods E F F ICI E NCY. is terminated, r. On the Things in their Being, 2. In their Alionand Operation, r. And in the fief} refpeét he is the Caufe, t. Of their ExingEffence, a. Of their Order, 3.0f their Goodnefs or Perfettion: And fohe is a . The CREAT OR, and . Conferver, 2. TheORDINATOR, 3.The BENEFACTOR of all the world. And in the fecond refpe& , (as to Adion ) he is, a. TheAclor or Motor of all things (by his Aéiìve Power) 2. The Governor of all (ac- cording to their feveralNatures) (by his wifdarrí') 3. The Perfetter of all things in their attingency or fruition of their proper End , ( by his Goodnefs. ) 33. VII. As to M AN in fpecial God is now Fundamentally Related to him as his CREATOR, his RED EEMER and his RE-. GENERATER or SANCTIFIER; eminently afcribed di- flinhly to the FATHER, SON and HOLYSPIRIT : From whence floweth, NATURA, ME DE L,A, SALU', or NATURE, REDEEMING. GRACE, and RENEWING GRACE (HOLINESS and GLORY) (that is, LOVE begun here and perfedìed in Heaven. ) 34. VIII. From CREATION there refulteth a Threefold Mo- ral Right andRelation ofGod to Man : r. He is our Abfolúte OWNER or LORD to di/pofe of us, andAct us by his Power. i. He is our Su- pream RECT Ó R, Morally to Rode us as Intellellual freeagents, emi- nently. by his wi fdom. 3. He is our L O V E R and ultimate END ; as